How soon can you take a pregnancy test

7 Best Internet Cheapie Pregnancy Tests

Pregnancy is an exciting time for a woman. For nine months a pregnant woman anxiously waits for her baby to arrive. No matter how exciting this phase is for every woman, it can’t beat the uncertainty and the feeling of excitement that comes when she takes a pregnancy test. Pregnancy tests have come a long way and are accurate these days. You don’t need to visit a doctor anymore to confirm your pregnancy because you can do it from the comfort of your home. There are tons of different pregnancy tests available now, so it’s difficult to decide which test to buy. Here’s a list of 7 best internet cheapie pregnancy tests to help you make the right decision.

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1)    Clear Blue digital pregnancy test

The first cheapie pregnancy test is The Clear Blue digital pregnancy test shows you the answer clearly by digitally displaying the word ‘pregnant’ or ‘not pregnant’ which eliminates any guesswork you’d have to do. It is inexpensive, but it isn’t very accurate as compared to other tests.  It has a 51% accuracy rate 4 days before your expected period, 82% 3 days before, 90% 2 days before, 95% one day before, and 99% accuracy the day of your missed period (and the days after). If you’re one of those women who test early and want to see the result even before a missed period, this isn’t the test for you. It’s less sensitive and more costly. But if you’re past your expected period date, or perhaps you just want to confirm your pregnancy after a missed period, then it’s definitely worth a try.

2)    Sure Predict pregnancy test:

The Sure Predict internet cheapie pregnancy test is another best internet cheapie pregnancy test. It is a dip strip test that claims to be more sensitive than other pregnancy tests. It can even detect a HCG level of 10 mIU/ml, which is sensitive for a home pregnancy test. A test of this sensitivity level is a great help for a woman who is suffering from autoimmune diseases or for women who miscarry often to start supplements as soon as possible to sustain pregnancy. It’s a standard pregnancy test where the result appears in two lines as positive and in one line as negative within 2 minutes.

3)    Easy@home pregnancy test:

The Easy@home pregnancy test is the third internet cheapie pregnancy test that comes in two forms i.e. dip strip and encased midstream form. To use the strips, you immerse the absorbent tip into your pee sample for 3 seconds, then lay the same strip on a flat and clean surface and read the result in 3 minutes, but not after 5 minutes. The mid-stream version requires you to hold the absorbent tip in your sample for 10 seconds. The test results can be read in as soon as one minute, but for the most accurate reading, wait for 3 minutes before reading. Both tests will show two pink lines as positive or one pink line for not pregnant or negative. It is less sensitive than Sure Predict and can detect HCG level of 25 mIU/ml and is 99% accurate if you check on the first day of your missed period.

4)   EPT pregnancy test

EPT stands for an Early Pregnancy Test. It is one of the best cheapie pregnancy tests that is trusted brand among women and has been around since 1977. It is available online at the price of about $4.49 per test, making it quite an expensive test. It has a sensitivity of about 25 mIU/ml and it shows the result as a blue plus or minus sign, a ‘+’ for pregnant and a ‘-‘ for not pregnant, and can be read within 2 minutes. It is a mid-stream form of an internet cheapie pregnancy test, but you can also collect your urine sample in a cup and dip it.

5)     New Choice pregnancy test

The new choice is one of the internet cheapies. It is a good option for women who are trying to conceive and are frequent pregnancy test takers. It is available at dollar stores and can be bought at the price of $1 per test. Because of its accessibility and price, most women prefer to choose this test. It is a dip strip test, which means you have to collect your sample in a cup and then immerse the strip into it to know the result. It shows the result in two lines as pregnant and one line as not pregnant and the result can be interpreted in just one minute. New Choice claims that it can detect pregnancy up to 5 days before your expected period, though the accuracy is only 50%. They also state that the sensitivity is 25 mIU/ml, but according to user reviews, it has detected between 10-20 mIU/ml, which would make it just as sensitive as First Response.

6)    ClinicalGuard pregnancy test:

The ClinicalGuard Pregnancy test is the cheapest and most reliable internet cheapie pregnancy test. It consists of small pregnancy test strips that you dip in the urine sample that you’ve collected and the result is ready to read in 3-5 minutes. Two lines showing a positive response while one line means that you’re not pregnant. It’s cheap and is available for only $0.32 per test. It has 4.5-star rating out of 5 on Amazon and is the most go-to brand for pregnancy tests for women who are frequent test takers due to its attractive price. It has a sensitivity of about 25 mIU/ml level of HCG.

7)    Equate pregnancy test:

The Equate pregnancy test is a convenient and inexpensive cheapie pregnancy test. It is available in most Walmart stores and is the cheapest mid-stream test available, which makes it very cost-effective considering its convenience as you won’t have to use a cup to collect the sample for this test. It shows the result by displaying either plus or minus signs for positive and negative, respectively. To take this test, you immerse the absorbent tip in your urine stream for 5 seconds and lay it on a flat surface. The result will be displayed after 2 minutes. The only drawback is that it is a blue dye pregnancy test and blue dye tests are known to give a false positive or evaporation line more often than a red dye test.

Best Internet Cheapie Pregnancy Tests

With all the internet cheapie pregnancy tests available to you, your decision to choose the most appropriate option among these will be a lot easier. With all that said, it is better to wait until you’ve missed your period before taking a pregnancy test if you want the most accurate answer. A faint second line is sometimes also considered positive. Keep in mind that, the lower the sensitivity of the test to detect HCG levels, the earlier the test will detect a pregnancy. For all the women out there who are trying to conceive, Good Luck!

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