Breast Milk Drying Up And Baby Won’t Take Formula

Breast Milk Drying Up And Baby Won’t Take Formula: 7 things to do

The body of a woman is outstanding; it not only goes through the process of childbirth but also goes through the process of making sure essential nutrients for the growth and development of the child are provided.

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The breast milk from a mother is full of nutrients. It has more nutritional value than basic nutrients. Breast milk contains nutrients capable of helping your baby grow, developing the immune system, and also protecting your baby from infections. There are so many things capable of hindering how the body produces breast milk which can cause breast milk drying up. Issues ranging from the use of certain medications, diet and health issues, etc can affect the production of breast milk.

A mother’s priority is to ensure her baby gets the right amount of nutrients while growing, but if a situation where the breast milk is drying up and the baby won’t take formula occurs, the following tips would be necessary.

Tips on how to get breast milk back after drying up

Your breast has to be stimulated to get your body to produce breastmilk. If you ever decide to breastfeed again, you will need to rebuild your milk supply. This process is called re-lactation. Below are what to do if your breast milk is drying up.

1.           Don’t stop breastfeeding: To start up the process of producing breast milk, it is essential to stimulate your breast by breastfeeding your baby at least once every 2-3 hours daily. This process takes a lot of persistence and determination. It is important at this point that your baby is latching on to your breast correctly. When your baby is latched on to your breast correctly, it increases the supply from your breast and stimulates your body to produce more milk. While breastfeeding, you have to breastfeed from both sides of the breast to enable stimulation to both breasts. If the supply of breast milk becomes slow, breast compression should be introduced. Breast compression is vital to encourage milk flow by gently squeezing the breast to put extra pressure on the gland producing breast milk.

2.         Using a nursing supplementer device: The second thing you can to keep breast milk from drying up is to use A nursing supplementer. It is a device that allows you to continue the process of breastfeeding your baby when your supply is low and you are trying to get your breast to produce more milk. This is an alternative feeding method that enables the baby to draw milk from the breast and the nursing supplementer device at the same time. A nursing supplementer device usually comprises a container that can contain expressed milk or formula and a tube, which is connected to the container. The tube connected to the container is tapped to your nipple. This process enables you to build a supply of milk while your baby is sucking at your breast. As your milk supply increases, you can reduce the use of a nursing supplementer device until it is no longer needed. Top nursing supplementer devices include Medela Supplemental nursing system and Lact-Aid Deluxe Nursing trainer system, all available on Amazon.

3.         Cultivate a healthy lifestyle: There are healthy lifestyles you can imbibe to increase the supply of breast milk. It is possible to stimulate the supply of breast milk naturally by having a healthy daily routine. It is essential for you to have adequate rest. This gives your body enough energy to make enough supply of breast milk. Breast milk is made up of about 90% water. So, copious fluid intake is also necessary to boost the supply of milk. Breastfeeding requires a lot of energy. It is important to have balanced meals to boost the supply of breast milk.

If your breast milk is drying up and baby won’t take formula, above are tips to help restore your breast milk. The tips below will help the baby to take the formula as you build up your milk supply.

Tips to make your baby like formula

Transitioning to formula feeding can be because of issues ranging from latching difficulties, low milk supply, or other health-related issues. The good news is that making your baby like formula can be less challenging with the following tips.

1.         Introduce the formula slowly: It is advisable to consider allowing your baby to get used to it slowly. Everyone has different tastes and textures. So, your baby might need a little time adjusting to formula feeding. You can offer the formula to the baby even without being hungry, this introduces them to the formula before the actual feeding. Waiting to introduce your baby to a formula when hungry would only make them frustrated and impatient, leading to refusal of the formula. Introducing the formula slowly to your baby would also give your baby’s digestive system time to adjust to this new feeding method.

2.         Let someone else do the feeding: It is suggested that you allow someone else to give your baby the formula instead. Babies know their mother’s scent and can sense if their mother is full of milk. They are less likely to accept formula feeding from their mother at the initial stage. This is why it is important to allow a family member to offer your baby the formula first. To do this, leave the room while your baby is being fed. This would allow your baby to get used to taking the formula gradually. You can give your baby the formula yourself when the baby gets used to formula feeding.

3.         Use an alternative feeding method: If your baby won’t take formula, then use an alternative feeding method. Although the most common method of formula feeding is using a bottle, there are alternative methods that you can use if your baby does not accept bottle feeding. You can use a spoon or cup feeding to give your baby the formula. Trying different methods of feeding is important in making your baby get used to formula feeding.

4.         Patience and determination: It can be challenging to get your baby to transition to formula. But giving up should not be considered. Change can be hard but can be achieved gradually. Some babies get used to taking formula after a few times of trying while some take longer. Patience and determination would yield a result.

Don’t worry if your breast milk is drying up and baby won’t take formula. The tips above will get your breast milk back after drying up and also get your baby to like formula.

Don’t be perturbed about the amount of milk your breast is producing. Be rest assured that you can maintain and build a healthy supply of breast milk for your baby and it is never too late to breastfeed.

Although your baby might not be comfortable with the transition into formula feeding, they would get accustomed to the process gradually. It is important to provide them with love and attention during this period and not get discouraged during the first few trials.

Check out the Ultimate Breastfeeding class to become a pro at breastfeeding within 90 minutes!

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