It is common knowledge that many parents around the world use cornstarch to remove rashes associated with the baby’s diaper. This is not surprising due to the medicinal properties that make it a solution to most skin problems associated with rashes. However, many other parents take exception to use cornstarch as their way of treating baby skin problems.
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This also is due to a myriad of factors. So the question is can I use a cornstarch bath for diaper rash? First and foremost, what is cornstarch? Cornstarch is a popular kind of food that is obtained from maize. It can be modified into various forms either as adhesives, in the manufacturing industry as well as for medical uses. Cornstarch is one of the few food substances that can be changed to produce effects in other areas, one of which is healing.
Can I use a cornstarch bath for diaper rash?
Diaper rash is one prevailing infection among toddlers today and many parents are at a fix as to how to effectively deal with it whenever comes up. Based on the fact that you cannot stop your child from soiling his or her diapers, so is it almost impossible to avoid rashes on your baby’s skin. This is because the moisture in your baby’s poo produces bacteria that are harmful to your baby’s skin.
The first thing to note is that diaper rash can be handled in different ways depending on the severity of the rash and the medical condition of your baby.
Medically, it has been proved that cornstarch can be a cure for diaper rash, depending on its application. This is because, compared to various other medications, cornstarch is safe, quick, and effective.
The application of cornstarch on your baby’s diaper rash stops the redness on the skin as well as the irritation that comes from your baby’s sweat in the diaper. Ordinarily, any kind of baby talcum powder is the first point of call, however, it can lead to severe problems of respiration. This is not the case with cornstarch as it as a safe solution.
Another reason why cornstarch bath for your baby is the preferred solution is that the application of cornstarch on your baby’s skin promotes immediate relief from the pain that is associated with diaper rash. It also reduces the severity of the rash and stops it from spreading to other parts of the body.
It cures your baby’s rash by reducing friction on the skin, which is the main reason why the rash came in the first place. It does this by ensuring that the skin is kept dry at all times. This dryness helps to prevent irritation on the skin of your infant. The reason why it is preferred to baby powder is that baby powder can combine with atmospheric oxygen and go into the internal mechanism of the child.
These and many more are the reasons why experts in the field of child health recommend the use of cornstarch bath instead of other products for the treatment of diaper rash. Regardless of whatever issues that may arise, a cornstarch bath is still the safest way by which you can effectively cure diaper rashes in the body of your toddler.
Uses of Cornstarch
As stated above, cornstarch has a variety of uses. Most of the uses of cornstarch are of immense benefit to human health. Some of the uses of cornstarch are:
- It can be used as a food additive.
- It can be used to enhance the flavor of foods.
- It can be used as a substitute for wheat flour since it is gluten-free
- It can be used to provide glucose and calories for people engaging in strenuous activities.
- For an underweight individual, cornstarch can be used to help you gain weight by increasing the number of calories in your body.
- Cornstarch can be used to remove stains from oil.
- Since it can absorb moisture, cornstarch can be used to remove an unpleasant smell.
- Cornstarch can also be used to heal bites associated with insects especially bugs.
- Cornstarch can be used to cure skin irritation, allergies, or burn in the skin from the sun.
- Cornstarch can be used to heal rashes that result from a baby’s diapers. This is perhaps the most interesting use of cornstarch.
Due to its inert nature, cornstarch can be used constantly to cure repeated cases of baby rash. Most times, it is seen as a preferred solution compared to powders and creams because of its natural state.
Effect of Cornstarch bath on diaper Rashes
Since it has been proved that cornstarch has numerous benefits, especially those that are health-related, it is pertinent to examine and understand the effects of cornstarch on rashes whether skin rashes or diaper rash. Rashes are skin infections that are caused as a result of many factors. Either through heat, skin allergies, or problems with the immune system.
It is basically a medical condition that makes the skin red as well as causing itchy feeling on the skin. The major way of curing skin rash by yourself is by applying either lotions or other substances like cornstarch. Depending on the nature and severity of the rash, these simple solutions should do. But in very severe cases, it is best to consult your medical practitioner for better diagnosis and treatment.
Compared to powders, the use of cornstarch on diaper rash helps to stop unnecessary friction when it is applied.
The positive effects of cornstarch on the skin can be summarized below
- It stops the friction on the affected skin thereby fighting against irritation. This provides a smooth surface on the skin.
- It keeps the skin smooth by keeping it dry. Since one of the physical manifestations of skin rashes whether in babies or in adults is rough skin, cornstarch has the ability to get rid of the roughness and restore the smoothness by ensuring consistent dryness in the skin.
- It treats allergies and other kinds of infections on the skin.
- It removes oily spots. Since cornstarch comes in the form of a pure white powder that is easily dissolved in water and other kinds of solvents. This makes it capable of absorbing fluids and moisture on the body.
- The abrasiveness of cornstarch makes it able to cleanse the face.
- It is non-flammable, as such it can soothe rashes in the skin as well as other infections.
The negative effects of cornstarch on the skin are summarized below
- With cornstarch, there is an increased tendency of reacting to allergies based on the fact that it is a powder that is obtained from food.
- As it is said that too much of everything can be very bad, so also, too much cornstarch on the skin can make the skin excessively dry, thereby worsening the rashness of the skin.
- It does not do a thorough work in facial cleansing. This is probably due to the food components that are still present in it, compared to the mineral components of other factory-made powders.
- Applying cornstarch on a skin rash while sweating, can be a big issue because it attracts bacteria which can damage the skin.
- Cornstarch does not have the ability to create lipid covering over the skin which is necessary to kill skin rashes, this makes it an ineffective treatment for certain types of skin rash.
While it is debatable that the use of a cornstarch bath for baby’s diaper rash is the best way to treat skin infections in the body of your baby, it is however not debatable that. This guide provides a detailed explanation of why it is important for you to use a cornstarch bath to treat your baby’s diaper rashes.