how to check baby weight at home without machine

How to Check Baby’s Weight at Home Without a Machine

Your doctor must have said something about the need to keep both you and your baby’s weight in check during pregnancy. The regular weight checks, while you’re carrying your baby is definitely not for show, it’s vital, and that’s why you did it. So, after pregnancy, do you rule out checking your baby’s weight, or you continue with the trend? Well, you have to continue with it because weight checks are important to track your baby’s growth and development. However, some parents ask about how to check a baby’s weight at home without a machine?

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You might not have a weight scale at home since you normally check your baby’s weight during a doctor’s appointment. But the need might arise, and how will you do it? Okay, so, this article will answer how to check your baby’s weight at home without a machine. Good, right? Great! There are some ways in which you can track your baby’s weight at home even when you don’t have a machine, but you should know that babies weigh averagely 6-9 pounds, especially if they’re carried for nine months or almost.

So here are some tips on checking your baby’s weight without using a machine.

1) Track your baby’s diaper use

On average, you should change your baby’s diaper about 5-7 times daily, so you’ll know your baby is getting the needed nutrients when he keeps up with the diaper use. And if you notice that your baby isn’t wetting and soiling his diapers as he should, consult your doctor.

2) Feeding

Another way to check your baby’s weight without using a machine is to note how satisfied he is when you feed him. If you notice that he doesn’t eat as much, you’ll know that something is wrong- and, if you realize that he keeps demanding food, you can conclude he’s putting on weight steadily.

3) Looks

Normally, you know how your baby looked when you gave birth to him, right? Then that means you should be able to see a difference when he’s either putting or losing weight. Although almost all babies lose some pounds after birth, but then regain it after a few days. Thus, mere looking at your baby can work as a measurement for your baby’s weight.

4) Baby’s clothes

A good way to measure your baby’s weight without a machine is by checking how your baby’s clothes fit him now. His clothes will certainly show you whether he has put on weight or lost weight, so that’ll serve as a measurement.

5) Tape measure

A calibrated tape measure can help you measure your baby’s weight. Although it’ll work out if you use it to measure a specific part of your baby’s body, like the width of his legs, thighs, tummy, arm, etc., for easy measurement.

So far, we have given 5 tips on how to check the baby’s weight at home without a machine.The Sixth is Diaper size.

6) Diaper size.

Track his diaper size. As your baby grows, the diaper size he uses increase. Thus, if your baby is growing with diaper sizes, you can conclude that’s he’s growing healthily. It’s the opposite, that is, his regular diaper size decrease, you can conclude he’s losing weight and report to your doctor.

7) Your hands

You can use your hands to measure how big or small your baby is. You should use your hand around your baby’s feet, thighs, and arms to see how big they are.

The importance of weighing your baby can’t be overemphasized- as knowing your baby’s weight will determine how healthy and how developed your baby is. However, you should know that there’s no accurate way of checking your baby’s weight except for using a scale. The use of a scale will give you your baby’s correct weight measurement, and you’ll get to keep track of his growth with that.

Furthermore, if you use the above ways to check your baby’s measurement and you realize that your baby is losing weight, there are some things you can do to increase your baby’s weight, and they include;

1) Use supplements or other methods to stimulate more milk production.

When you stimulate and boost your milk production, your baby will get to feed the more and the more you feed your baby, the more he’ll gain weight.

2) Try other formulas

If you notice that your baby is losing weight despite regular formula intake, you can think about changing his formula. But make sure the formula you’re considering to change to is for babies with low weight- using that type of formula will reassure you that your baby will gain his weight back after some time.

3) Incorporate healthy fats.

In case your baby has gotten to the stage of eating solid foods, and you notice he’s losing weight, you can incorporate healthy fats into his diet. Healthy fats like olive oil and avocado will do wonders for your baby’s body system and help him regain weight.

4) Feeding routine

Create a feeding routine for your baby if you realize he’s losing weight. A feeding routine will guide you on how frequently you should feed your baby, and frequent feeding will undoubtedly help your baby with weight gain.

5)Vitamins and iron

Although Breastmilk contains iron, the iron is in little quantity, and your baby needs iron for growth and development. Hence, you can give your baby iron-rich food for healthy growth.

how to check baby’s weight at home without a machine

Keeping track of your baby’s weight is crucial, and it should be your monthly or bi-weekly routine so that you won’t be caught off guard. In all, the article provided 7 tips on how to check the baby’s weight at home without a machine. It is pertinent to say that only a weighing scale will give you the accurate weight of your baby.

In the meantime, go check your baby’s weight using a few the tips you’ve just learnt

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