How To Keep Toddler in Bed at Night

Babies have limited mobility when they are born. But they soon begin to grow and learn how to use their legs. Next, they are happy to be all over the place!

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Toddlers can be active throughout the day and always need more playing around. That comes to play at bedtime when they should sleep like everyone else.

They may want to keep running around at night because their little minds do not yet understand that adequate sleep is necessary for their development. 

As a mom of active kids, are you asking how to keep a toddler in bed at night? Worry no more because this blog post will show you 5 helpful tips on how to keep a toddler in bed at night.

5 Ways to keep toddler in bed at night

  1. Staying with the toddler until they fall asleep

Knowing that your toddler cannot be as still as newborns in bed, you should stay with them in their room or crib until they fall asleep.

 You should keep them company and try to soothe them to sleep by any means possible while at the same time ensuring that they are not in harm’s way. By staying with them, you also prevent them from climbing out of their crib instead of trying to sleep. You could sing a lullaby or read them bedtime stories while waiting for them to fall asleep. You should only leave them when you are sure they have fallen asleep.

2. Use a baby gate to keep toddler in bed

A baby gate is another tip on how to keep a toddler in bed at night. The baby gate forms a barrier that makes it difficult for them to climb out of bed.

This restriction lets your toddler know they are not to go beyond the territory of their crib at night. This restriction can be a little frustrating for your baby, and they soon get tired of trying to go over it and finally fall asleep!

3. Develop a bedtime routine

You should develop a bedtime routine if you are looking for how to keep a toddler in bed at night. It will help if you begin to call the shots rather than allow your toddler to decide when and how they’d like to have their night’s sleep. Tell your toddler about the time you have chosen and ensure that they proceed to their room once it’s that time. 

4. Be consistent in your approach

You must stick to the bedtime routine you develop for your toddler, as consistency is vital in making your toddler get used to their bedtime. With time, your toddler’s body system will adjust to their bedtime, and they will naturally begin to feel sleepy around that time and may even go to their room on their own.

To maintain this consistency, it will help to do some vital things before your toddler’s bedtime, like ensuring they’ve had their dinner, taken their bath, and brushed their teeth. That prevents any form of tension in trying to keep to the specified bedtime. 

5. Reward your toddler for good behavior

As your toddler gets used to the bedtime routine, it’ll help to reward them with a little something occasionally. That serves as an encouragement for good behavior. The good thing about such incentives is that your toddler would always want to be in your good books afterward, so they’ll happily go to bed at the right time dreaming of their little gift for being good. It is cheaper to give occasional rewards than staying late nights and struggling to keep your toddler in bed by all means.


Getting enough sleep at night cannot be overlooked for your toddler, even when they still want to play. How to keep a toddler in bed at night? Stay with them until they fall asleep, use a baby gate, develop a bedtime routine and be consistent with it, and reward your toddler occasionally for good bedtime behavior.

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