husband does not enjoy parenting

5 Ways To Get Your Husband To Enjoy Parenting

Delivering a baby is the duty of a mother, but it shouldn’t be forgotten that a father is also in the picture. Raising a baby has its difficulties; the stress, the tiredness, the worry, and all seem to be the responsibility of the mother and some husbands think that is how it’s supposed to be. Most mothers complain, “my husband doesn’t enjoy parenting“, this shouldn’t be so as the growth and development of a child depend on how much his parents care.

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Still, It’s not all men that think it’s the normal duty of a wife to do all that concerns the baby and the wellbeing of the home. Some wish to help and are even eager to but are restrained by some factors. Here are the factors.

Factors that Hinder Husbands From Taking Part In Parenting

1)  No time

Some fathers have to be in the office from dawn till dusk most of the time and are always too tired to do anything other than to eat and prepare for the next day. For this reason, they can’t take part in the baby’s care or help around the house.

2)  Wife Nagging

There are some wives that know nothing other than to nag their husbands whenever he isn’t doing anything right. For this, most husbands will just stay clear of the housework and leave it to her entirely.

3)  Kids don’t want to talk to him

There are some times that a father will try to talk to his kid but he will refuse, saying he wants his mum. This kind of situation can lead to a father leaving the parenting job for the mother.

4)  Seeing children as a burden

Just because fathers aren’t around kids 24/7, some of them can’t just cope with their fuss and tantrums. Then, fathers see kids as a burden instead of seeing them as a bundle of joy. 

5) When the child is difficult

Some children might be so difficult that a father’s soothing will never get to them. Fathers just can’t bear to be rejected every time they are close to their kids, and this prompts them to leave the kids for their wives.

The above factors will hinder a father from taking part in the parenting job. However, mothers don’t have superpowers and can’t do the job alone. They need their husbands to step in whenever they’re down or have other things occupying their time. Moreover, it is well known that parenting is difficult, so it shouldn’t be the burden of the mother alone.

 At the same time, it is necessary for mothers to take time to explain the reasons parenting must be a two-person job. They must make husbands realize their part in the home. Doing this will make the phrase “My husband doesn’t enjoy parenting” become a thing of the past. So, how do you get your husband to enjoy parenting?

5 Ways To Get Your Husband To Enjoy Parenting

1)  Think about the reason your husband doesn’t enjoy parenting

Is he afraid of carrying the baby? Can’t he stand the sight of a baby crying? Can’t he control kids’ tantrums? When you figure out the reason, then you should sit him down and explain the rudiments of parenting to him. Make him understand how much you need him to step in and how his involvement will be great for your kid’s growth and development.

2)  Another way of making your husband enjoy parenting is to involve him in book reading

When you get a new book on parenting and child care, don’t read it alone. Either get two copies, one for you and the other for your husband to read whenever he is free, even if it is at work. By doing this, you will involve him in parenting and he’ll want to practice whatever lessons he got from the book towards your child’s care.

3) Plan picnics and family day out 

Set a date for your family to take a walk and make sure your husband come with you. This action will prompt him to help with parenting when he sees you trying to pacify your baby every minute. I’m sure he’ll lend a helping hand. 

4) Sometimes, it is the fault of the mothers some husbands don’t enjoy parenting

Why? They never teach the father a thing. They expect him to know how to change diapers, know where the bottle is kept and so on. So, therefore, any mistake on the husband’s part will lead to nagging. The statement my husband doesn’t enjoy parenting won’t be right for you when you teach your husband all he needs to know about child care and parenting.

5) Last, if your husband still doesn’t want to take part in the parenting job because of one excuse or another, talk to families and friends who know him.

These people will sit him down and explain the importance of taking part in a child’s care and how it is essential for the child’s growth and upbringing.

Whenever you think of parenting before getting a child, sure you’ll be on cloud nine. Thinking everything will be about playing and embracing your bundle of joy. However, it’s not always that parenting is difficult and it will take all of your strength not to break down. At the same time, some husband thinks it’s the job of a woman to take care of the home and children and won’t want to lend a helping hand.

 This makes some wives think their husbands don’t enjoy parenting; wives will try as much possible to get husbands involved in the house chores, but some will still refuse. 

The above content comprises reasons your husband might not like parenting and how to get him to enjoy parenting. Read it and understand how to get your husband involved in your kids care.

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