Lose postpartum belly

15 Ways to Lose Postpartum Belly Fast

You did it! You went through the uncomfortable phase of being pregnant and excruciating pain of bringing your little one into this world. So, losing weight may seem like a walk in the park, but the reality is different. Adjusting to life with a new baby is very hard for mothers and even harder on our bodies, especially if you breastfeed your baby. Your baby wakes up at the slightest noise, breastfeeding makes you famished, you are so sleep deprived that you can fall asleep anywhere, anytime. This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t take out some time for yourself and focus on your health.

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You may have started your new role as a mother but you are still you and you deserve to feel comfortable and sexy in your own body. You won’t have a professional nutritionist and trainer like the celebrity mothers have, so, it may take a while to get back into shape but by eating a well-balanced diet, following simple rules and taking some time out of your busy schedule for physical exercise, you will be able to look and feel the way you did before getting pregnant.

By incorporating these 15 ways to lose postpartum belly fast in your new lifestyle to get your pre-pregnancy weight back.

#1.   Wait for a few weeks before going on a diet or exercise. As a new mother, your priority should be to adjust to these new life changes, bonding with your baby and healing from giving birth. Going on a diet and physical exercise before six weeks postpartum can become dangerous for your health.

#2.   Set goals that are realistic. Drastic weight loss can only be achieved through unhealthy means, so plan to lose weight gradually. If you are breastfeeding, eating a strict low-calorie diet can affect the quality and quantity of your milk. So, take a steady way of losing weight and set goals like losing 1.5 pounds weekly to keep it realistic.

#3.  Take a balanced and healthy diet. Eating more fruits and vegetables is a good way to go along with the food that helps in losing weight and increasing the quality of your breast milk. These foods include:

  • Low-fat dairy products (milk, yogurt, etc.)
  • Orange
  • Eggs
  • Brown rice
  • Oatmeal
  • Fish
  • Leafy vegetables
  • Whole wheat bread

#4.  Control your food cravings and avoid unhealthy and junk food. Being tired and sleep-deprived can make you crave unhealthy food. So, try your best to control it. These foods include:

  • Fried chicken burger
  • Pizza
  • Sugary drinks (soda)
  • Alcohol
  • Processed food
  • Refined sugar and unsaturated fatsDrinking plenty of water and being hydrated is one of the most important aspects of losing weight. Not only it helps you get slim, but it also nourishes your skin and makes you look young and healthy. So, try drinking 1 to 2 liters of water daily as it will also be helpful in producing more breast milk.

#5.   Start aerobic activities along with exercise. These include; cycling, walking, jogging, swimming, etc. You can start gradually walking as it is the easiest of them all. Not only will this help you lose weight, but it is also very beneficial for your overall health.

#6.   Doing yoga is very beneficial for your body, doesn’t matter if it’s before, during or after pregnancy.  It helps in building correct posture, increases flexibility, revitalizes you and reduces fatigue. Yoga also helps you unwind by reducing stress caused by daily activities.

#7.   If you don’t like working out, then play some songs and dance with your baby. It doesn’t matter how brief these sessions are, involve your baby to make it a fun activity for both of you.

#8.   Tone your belly muscles by lifting weights first thing in the morning or during the day when your baby is taking a nap. You can also do crunches for toning your upper and lower abdominal muscles. Other exercises that will help you in getting a flat stomach are:

  • Pelvic tilts
  • Squats
  • Oblique curls
  • Lungs
  • Abdominal curls

#9.   Keep a journal in which you record your daily calorie intake. This will help you keep track of where the problem lies and why you aren’t losing weight faster. There are mobile apps too that can help you in this task and make it easier for you to decide what to eliminate and what foods to eat to lose weight.

#10.  Avoid taking unnecessary stress. Stress can cause you to binge eat. Research has shown that taking too much stress can cause weight gain. Invest your time in doing things that make you happy and the ones you love doing.

#11.  Incorporate foods that are known to reduce weight in your diet and try some home remedies if you can’t exercise. One of the best-known home remedies is to pour some lemon juice in a lukewarm glass of water and add a dash of honey. Drink this concoction on an empty stomach. This will help in detoxifying your body and reduce that stubborn belly fat. Other foods that reduce weight include; Green tea, cabbage, and Cinnamon tea.

#12.  Wear a post-partum belt, wrap or belly shaper. While this won’t help you lose weight, it can make your body look slim by distributing belly fat elsewhere. It will also prevent you from eating too much.

#13.  Research shows that consuming alcohol can cause you to have a bloated belly, and it also increases belly fat. So, if your priority is to lose that belly fat after delivering your baby, stay away from alcohol.

#14.  Avoid meals that are microwavable. According to studies, eating these meals daily correlates with high levels of abdominal obesity.

You can lose postpartum belly fast!

Above are tips to help you lose postpartum belly fast. Some women lose their belly fat easily while for others, it requires a lot of hard work. So, don’t get disappointed if you don’t see any visible changes immediately. Hang in there and do your best. Remember to ask your doctor before implementing any exercise and diets and don’t start anything before you are recovered from delivering your baby.

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