Make crib cozy for baby

How To Make Crib Cozy For Baby

Every parent would want to keep their little one comfortable even while sleeping. No one wants their little one to make a fuss or be uncomfortable while sleeping since it would also make the parent uncomfortable. A baby crib is a mini-bed made specifically for babies and toddlers to train them to be more comfortable in a bigger bed. It is normal for your baby to refuse to sleep in the crib during the first few trials of placing him or her in the crib since you are taking them from their place of comfort to a new environment. There are several reasons your baby might refuse to sleep in a crib. Below are a few reasons why your little one might refuse to sleep in a crib.

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Why do babies refuse to sleep in a crib?

1.           It is a new experience

Your baby is used to the warmth of the world and its confined space and might find sleeping in a new environment uncomfortable. You might have also been snuggling and rocking your baby in your arms and when your little one gets accustomed to it, changing to a new environment might be uncomfortable and your baby might refuse to sleep in the crib. If your baby has been sleeping in your bedroom and you are about to transition to a crib, there could be a fuss from your little one since you’re about to disrupt his or her comfort and this might also result in your baby refusing to sleep in a crib.  

2.           The crib is too wide

Babies see crib as giant structures compared to their tiny frames and this could lead to your baby refusing to sleep in the crib. Your little one is used to falling asleep in your arm which is not overly intimidating but, placing a baby in what looks like an unending space to them can lead to a fuss that might make them refuse to sleep in a crib.

3.           Illness

Your little one might have a rash, ear infection, nose block or can be prone to acid reflux and colic which might make them uncomfortable when you lie them down. This can lead to your baby making a fuss and eventually refuse to sleep in the crib.

4.           They feel hungry

Babies have not developed how to talk audibly and cannot fully express themselves when they are hungry. One of the reasons your baby might make a fuss and ultimately refuse to sleep in a crib is because of the hunger pangs he or she is feeling.

When your baby refuses to sleep in a crib you have to make the crib cozy and comfortable for your baby. A lot of parents find it difficult to make their babies sleep in the crib although there are ways to make the crib cozy so your little one can sleep comfortably. Below are a few tips on how to make the crib cozy for your baby.

Tips on how to make the crib cozy for your baby

1.           Create a soothing atmosphere around the crib

Use cool light bulbs for your baby’s room at night to create a soothing atmosphere for your baby’s crib. You can also use a white noise app on your phone or a white noise machine to create soothing sounds that can ease your baby into peaceful rest and make the crib cozy and comfortable. It is important to avoid bright lights and distractions to avoid having a fussy baby.

2.           Put your baby in a sleeping bag

Sleep bag gives the added warmth and security your baby needs while sleeping. It makes the crib cozy and makes your baby sleep comfortably since it has a comfortable and regulated temperature.

3.           Place your cloth near the crib

Babies can catch the scent of their parents very quickly and it makes them feel safe. You can roll up a shirt that has your scent or try sleeping with their sheet so it catches your scent and put it in your baby’s crib to make it cozy and comfortable for your baby to sleep in.

4.           Make the crib warm

It is important that your baby’s room and even the crib is not too cold for your baby. You can warm up the room to about 16-20 degrees centigrade and also put a warm water bottle on the bed for some time before putting the baby in the crib. This gives the crib a comfortable and cozy feeling and allows your baby to sleep without a fuss. Avoid overheating the room because it can lead to SIDS.

5.           Make sure your baby’s crib space is clear

It is important that there is no unnecessary stuff in your baby’s crib that could make your little one uncomfortable and resist sleeping in the crib. Making your baby’s crib area clear reduces the risk of your baby suffocating on items used to pad the crib. A clear crib space makes the crib cozy and comfortable for your baby.

6.           Start with a small crib

Babies are used to a confined space since that’s what the womb looks like. You can start with training your baby to sleep in a crib by using a small crib; it makes the crib cozy and also gives your baby a sense of comfort and allows your baby to sleep with ease. 

No parent likes to see their little one uncomfortable while sleeping or resisting to sleep in a crib. When a crib is cozy your little one will feel comfortable while sleeping. The above tips would help you make your baby’s crib cozy and comfortable for your little one to sleep in. Ensure that your baby is not hungry before sleeping. Create a soothing bedtime routine to make your little one comfortable before sleeping. It is important to know that change is gradual. If you are transitioning your baby from co-sleeping to sleeping in a crib you would need to be patient as you transition your baby.

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