Lazy mom cleaning hacks

Lazy Mom Cleaning Hacks for Baby Messes

Mom cleaning hacks, every new mom needs it. Everybody wishes to have a sparkling clean home but few put in the effort happily and willingly. You may find cleaning your home extra difficult when you’re a mom who spends the few baby-free hours she gets on chilling. Cleaning before having kids was difficult enough but with kids, it seems very impossible to keep the house sparkling clean when your adorable little cutie is out there to create a new mess every few hours. This shows that you need mom cleaning hacks to help out.

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Babies are savage in the way that they tend to destroy and break all the decent things you have. They do not respect the amount of hard work and time you spent to clean the house as well as their messes. That’s why as a ‘lazy parent’ you need to use some cleaning hacks and tips to get the work done quickly and easily to save as much time for naps as possible. So, here’s a list of some lazy mom cleaning hacks for you.

  • Use specially designed bins to keep things organized. You can assign anything in the house a box to keep it tidy and it will also be easier to teach your toddler to keep things in their designated box. For example, show your kid that blue box is for keeping blocks and they should put it back in the box after they are done playing with them. You can also put some of the boxes next to the stairs and then you can toss whatever items need to go up or downstairs and once the baby is sleeping, you can make one trip and deliver it to where it belongs.
  • To remove poop stains; try this hack – Wash the cloth with some lemon juice, you don’t scrub it hard, and then hang it in bright sunlight. It has been seen that sunlight will help you lighten the poop stains.
  • Take a sponge wand and soak it in a solution of half vinegar and half dish soap. Take it with you when you go to take a shower. Save your time by cleaning the shower while you’re showering. You can also try cleaning your bathroom mirrors and counters while you’re brushing your teeth in the morning. Also, if you do get a chance to take a bath, then do it with baking soda. Not only is it good for your skin but also your bathtub as well.
  • Keep your cleaning supplies handy and in an organized manner so that it’s easy for you to grab them and start cleaning right away instead of thinking about taking the trip to gather the supplies. Take out one day to pick, stock and organize your cleaning zones. It’ll make your work a lot easier.
  • Make a cleaning time playlist and play your favorite songs while you sweep those floors clean. This way you’ll not only get the work done but will also enjoy doing it.
  • Invest in a robot vacuum cleaner. This will save you some time and effort of having to vacuum floors by yourself.
  • Ask for help. Do you live with your husband or partner? Housework shouldn’t fall on one person’s shoulders, even if they work full-time and you don’t. Have a reasonable discussion and decide how to divide the household chores. Chances are that if you stay home, you will have to do most of the work, but it does not mean you should do all of it. You can ask for help by starting simply like this: “Darling, I need your help. I am drowning in housework and I’m putting together a plan for things to be a bit cleaner around here so we can enjoy our home life. What would you be willing to do to help?”
  • Having a kid often leaves you with a urine-stained mattress. These can be very tricky to get rid of. To get urine stains out of a mattress mix 8 ounces of peroxide, 3 tablespoons of baking soda and a small amount of dish soap in a bottle, then spray it on the stains. You can also add some essential oils that don’t leave a stain to get rid of the smell.
  • If your kid loves sticking stickers to a wall then a hairdryer is very handy to remove stickers as it causes them to loosen up and come off easily. To remove marker stains, put some rubbing alcohol on a cotton ball and use it on the stain. You can remove ballpoint pen marks by spraying hairspray on it and once it dries up, wipe it clean.
  • One of the dirtiest spots for any parent is the car, especially if you have babies or toddlers who eat and leave their gooey, slimy, even vomit mess everywhere. Enlisting the help of a vacuum cleaner is the best option when it comes to car mess. You can also use soap and water to get rid of the stain. Putting some drops of essential oils will eliminate any nasty smelly residue.

Above are lazy mom cleaning hacks you can use. As a parent, cleaning can take up a huge chunk out of your precious time. As babies and toddlers are pros at creating so much mess, clutter and vomit-inducing things, it’s no wonder that it feels like you’ve no time for yourself to watch TV or Netflix. The key to cleaning up is to keep it quick and easy.

In the past, a sparkling house was considered important, but when you’re raising a family, you want to spend time with them before they grow up and fly the nest. Keeping clean-up simple helps you spend more time on who matters. So, keep it nice and simple and don’t stress about things you can’t do by yourself. Enlist the help from your partner and you’ll see that cleaning is no longer a chore you’ve to worry about.

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