Put your baby to sleep fast in a crib

How to put your baby to sleep fast in a Crib (without crying)

You sincerely want to put your baby to sleep in a crib. But the baby won’t just sleep in it.

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You have tried all the tricks you know and read about, but nothing seems to work. Each time you put the baby in the crib to sleep, they cry.

You are getting frustrated by the day because of the stress.

Hmmm! I can relate.

The truth is, the baby is used to sleeping close to you whether in a bassinet, on the bed or a co-sleeper. Thus, the baby has developed a sleep association with you which is difficult to break. But no matter how hard, it must be done.

In this article, you will learn how to put your baby fast to sleep in a crib.

But first things first.

Do babies need cribs?

Yes, babies need cribs. It is a safe place for them to sleep and refresh. It also means more restful sleep for you as a mom. However, to get the comfort the baby needs, you need to choose the right crib. There are different cribs available, but you must be careful while choosing the best. This article will help you find the best crib for your baby. However, you need a crib that can grow with your baby i.e. from infant to toddlerhood.

When can baby sleep in a crib?

The right age for your baby to sleep in a crib is when they are 4 months old. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends room-sharing for at least the first 6 months (and up to 1 year). This is because sharing a room with your baby helps to reduce Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) by half.

Second, if your baby outgrows their bassinet, it will cause them a lot of discomfort while sleeping. It is the right time to transition them to cribs.

Third, if your baby has started to roll over or sit up, they can move more around in the night. You will want to keep them in a safe place where they cannot get out while you are sleeping. This is another good time to get a crib for them.

How to make crib comfortable for your baby

The crib is very important for a good night’s rest. Therefore, you must do all you can to make it comfortable for your baby. Below are what to do:

a.            Get a soft baby crib mattress. You need a soft mattress that will give your baby a restful night’s sleep. A soft mattress helps support the baby’s growing bones and keeps them safe while sleeping. Possibly, if you can get a good one that comes with a waterproof cover that is soft and washable. 

b.             Get a good sleepsuit: For your baby to enjoy sleeping in the crib, they need a good sleepsuit. With sleep sacks, most babies can bring out their hands and use it to scratch their faces. They can put their hands in their mouths and babble away in the night.  But a good sleep suit like the Baby Merlin’s Magic sleepsuit helps the baby to sleep with both hands-free. It is soft and cozy and gives babies a calm sleep environment.

c.            Get a Video baby monitor for the crib: A video monitor helps you to watch your baby’s activities while they sleep. But there are baby video monitors that do much more than that. The Motorola crib baby video monitor has a light show projector, night light with 7 different colors, lullabies and bedtime stories, great image during the day and night. It is awesome! The sweetest part of it all is that your baby can use it from infant to toddler years.

Now, to the real deal…

How to put your baby to sleep fast in a Crib (without crying)

After you have set up a comfortable environment for your baby to sleep in the crib, it is time to learn the step-by-step method to put them to sleep.

1.    Use the crib for nighttime sleep only

Most parents use the crib for daytime napping. If you are planning to put your baby to sleep in a crib, use it at night only. This is because the baby will sleep longest in the crib at the night, helping them to get more familiar with the sleep environment.

2.    Reduce distractions

Babies love distractions and are eager to take a look. Therefore, you need to allow your baby to unwind before sleeping. Use the video monitor with the night light mentioned above to condition the lightning in the room. There are also lullabies that will help the baby drift to sleep easily.

3.    Create a bedtime routine

Develop a series of routines to get the baby ready to sleep in the crib. This could be a warm bath, feeding or changing their dress to the sleepsuit, switching on the nightlight with sounds, cuddling or book reading, etc. This routine will help the baby adapt to the new sleeping environment.

4.     Use the Baby shusher to soothe the baby to sleep

Get a baby shusher that uses a human voice to lull your baby to sleep such as the sleep miracle soother sound machine. It is a lifesaver for moms. You can use it in the house, hang it over the car seats on road trips, in the shopping mall, etc. It helps you to free up your time for other things, while your baby sleeps peacefully.

5.     Put the baby into the crib while still awake

Sleep experts recommend putting the babies into the crib while they are drowsy. When you put them down while they are sleeping, the baby can wake up crying again. But if they are aware of their environment before sleeping, it will be much easier to sleep and get used to the environment.

6.     Don’t rush the baby

Take it easy with your baby. It is a big switch for them. Give the baby enough time to adjust to the new sleeping environment. This could mean a few nights, a week or longer depending on how old your baby is.

There you have it – ways to put your baby to sleep in a crib. Try the suggestions listed above and I am sure you will get it done sooner than you think.

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