stop breastfeeding a toddler at night

How to Stop Breastfeeding a Toddler at Night

You are tired of breastfeeding your toddler at night.

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You are becoming exhausted with it already.

You are looking for easy ways to stop breastfeeding your toddler at night.

It is not an easy task, I must say, but it is not impossible either. This is because toddlers differ from one another. The night time nursing session is hard to stop as toddlers’ use it to self soothe and comfort themselves before sleeping. Some can throw tantrums and cry for some time before they fall asleep. But, it is something you must do.

Below are 10 ways to stop breastfeeding a toddler at night.

1.     Find a nursing substitute

The first thing you need to do to stop breastfeeding your toddler at night is to find a nursing substitute. Not breastfeeding means they may be hungry or thirsty at night. Find a drink or snack your baby loves. it can be a smoothie, hot milk with honey, milkshakes, snacks, a bottle of water, storytime with mom, soothing music and some quality snuggle time.

2.     Reduce breastfeeding sessions

One way you can decrease milk supply and be prepared to wean your baby is to reduce breastfeeding sessions, especially at night. This will tell your body to produce less milk. It is safe because it is a gradual process to reduce milk and avoid Mastitis, discomfort, and engorgement. If after you’ve given your baby a nursing substitute and they still demand breast, reduce the time you nurse. For example, if you usually nurse for 5 minutes at night, make it 3 minutes. Gradually, the baby will understand that the days of breastfeeding are getting to an end.

3.     Get help

This is the time you need the help of your partner or the people around you. But if you are alone, you can do it and still get the same result, but it is faster if you have someone around to help.  Let someone else put the baby to bed at night. Give the person substitutes to use for the baby if they are throwing tantrums and they want the goodies (breast milk). That way, they can learn to fall asleep without you being around.

4.    Give the baby a cuddly toy

Babies love toys, especially soft ones. Since, the baby is used to your presence at night and might not feel comfortable without you being there, get a soft, cuddly toy to put with them before they sleep and let them cuddle it.

5.   Communicate with your toddler and let them know the breastfeeding rules at night.

Most of us think our toddlers will not understand when we speak to them. It will amaze you to know that your toddler will understand your rules as you repeat them daily. Let them know that there is no breastfeeding at night until we get up in the morning. When they demand it, offer to give them tea or water to get back to sleep at night

6.    Ensure the baby has enough to eat before bedtime

When you stop breastfeeding, it means there is a substitute on the ground that your baby loves. Don’t put your baby through a hunger strike in the name of weaning from the breast. Ensure the toddler has enough food to eat before sleeping time. Try cereal or dairy-based foods. Avoid junk or sugary foods as it will keep them awake.

7.    Allow access during the day

Most of the time, toddlers love night feeding because they don’t have enough time with mom during the day. So, create more time for your toddler during the day, feed and cuddle them well. This will make it easy for them to adjust without you in the night.

8.    Change the night time routine

If you have a nighttime routine in place for the baby, change it. For instance, you can feed the baby in a different room and at a different time, not just before bedtime. Instead of nursing to sleep, ensure you nurse and then read a bedtime story to keep the baby awake. By the time you are done, they will be fast asleep.

9.    Be committed to the process and refuse to give up

It will not be easy, but staying committed to the end will help. If you back out along the line and then resume again, it will be harder to wean the baby.

10.  Don’t be in a hurry

It is not an easy process to wean a baby. Don’t rush the baby. Take it slowly. You could do it within 2, 3 or 6 months.  It depends on you and the baby.

There you have it! 10 tips to help you stop breastfeeding a toddler at night. Now you can have the desired sleep at night without waking up to nurse the baby.

You can choose any of the tips above, or combine one or two together to get a better chance at succeeding.

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