When do babies give kisses

When do babies give kisses?

Babies are one of the greatest gifts to new moms. And to show how much you adore them, giving them kisses right from the first time you set your eyes on them in the delivery room is almost automatic. Your baby, being human as well, will soon follow in the same act by opening their mouth and trying to kiss you or any lovely thing nearby. But when do babies give kisses? Babies give kisses when they recognize people and objects they are affectionate about. They start to develop this awareness from around 6 months of age.

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When do babies start giving open-mouth kisses?

Your baby will start to give open-mouth kisses as soon as they understand the concept of love and affection. That, however, depends on how fast your baby develops. So when do babies give kisses? From 6 to 12 months of age.

They will begin often giving open-mouth kisses to you, your partner, their siblings, and other close family members. They may also extend this affection to their favorite stuffed animals and toys. When do babies start to show affection?

Can I kiss my newborn on the head? 

As a new mom, you can kiss your baby on the head. You should be mindful of your baby’s developing immune system, which is not strong enough to fight infections. No matter how tempted you are to cuddle your baby and shower them with lots of kisses, you may want to avoid doing that if you are down with measles, skin rash, cough, cold, or any other contagious medical condition.

It would be best to restrain yourself and others from kissing your newborn on the head unless you’re sure they have been vaccinated.

Dangers of kissing babies 

Babies are exposed to several dangers through kissing. That is mainly due to their developing immune system, which may not be strong enough to wade off germs and bacteria at less than 12 months old. That’s why it’s best not to allow strangers or persons whose medical state you’re unsure of to kiss your baby. Not being careful enough about this can cause unwanted illness for your baby.

Your baby could easily be affected by HSV-1 (Herpes Simplex Virus) through kissing, which may lead to them coming down with cold sores. HSV-1 can get into your baby’s system via any crack in the skin if kissed by an affected person. Blisters, fever, loss of appetite, and rash are some symptoms that could indicate a cold sore infection.

Meningitis is another disease that can be transmitted when an HSV-1-infected individual kisses your baby. It’s a dangerous infection affecting the brain and spinal cord tissues. Symptoms of meningitis include irritability, fever, weakness, sleeplessness, and loss of appetite. If not treated immediately, meningitis can lead to death in babies.

Contracting RSV (Respiratory Syncytial Virus) is another danger that can arise when kissing babies. It is easily spread when an infected person touches your baby or when your baby inhales the infected person’s respiratory droplet when they sneeze or cough. Other dangers of kissing babies, especially by infected persons, are chickenpox and measles. 

At what age is it safe to kiss a baby? 

Your baby will not be safe for kissing in the first few months because of their fragile immune system. Though there may not be a clear-cut age when they are fit and strong enough to withstand the uncertainties of kissing them, you should wait until they are between 6 and 12 months old.

Can a baby get sick from a kiss on the cheek? 

Yes, your baby can get sick from being kissed on the cheek when it’s coming from a medically unfit person. Any person with a contagious infection, such as a cold or herpes infection, is a risk to your baby’s health and should not be allowed to kiss your baby on the cheek or anywhere else.

How to tell grandma not to kiss baby 

It’s natural for grandmas to show love and affection to their grandkids by showering them with loads of kisses. You can’t take it away from them! But knowing the risk associated with kissing babies, how do you tell grandma not to kiss your baby without sounding rude?

Well, you can start by telling grandma that not being allowed to kiss a baby is just for a short while to allow for proper development of the baby’s immune system. Let her know as soon as it’s convenient, and she can offer as many kisses as she chooses.

Also, let grandma know that the rule applies to everyone, so it’s not peculiar to her alone. That way, she won’t take things personally and get her feelings hurt.

Everyone tends to understand when an action or rule is on the advice of a medical practitioner. So you can also tell grandma that you are acting on the medical advice given for the baby’s wellbeing.


When do babies give kisses? As soon as they start getting in tune with their surroundings and close family. You must ensure that your baby’s health and safety are not jeopardized while engaging in this show of affection. You should exercise restraint when you or other family members are not in good health so as not to make your baby fall sick. When do babies give kisses? Besides being aware of their surroundings, they can best give kisses when it is safe for them with no health risks involved.

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