This blog post will discuss the topic “Is baby shaking head side to side a sign of teething?” Teething is an important milestone for all babies, and they experience it when their first set of teeth, known as milk teeth, emerge. While teething, you will notice different changes in your baby’s behavior, making you wonder if some of their actions and movements are related to teething. One such typical behavior is when your baby starts to shake their head from side to side. In this blog post, we will examine if this behavior is genuinely a sign of teething or if it means something else.
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Why do babies shake their head side to side, and what to do about it
Is baby shaking head side to side a sign of teething? Well, there are several reasons why your baby will act this way, and below are some of those reasons.
- Self-soothing
Babies occasionally shake their head side to side to self-soothe. They may want to soothe themselves from tiredness or overstimulation. They may also be trying to calm themselves down. What you can do in this case is first to be sure of the cause of this movement and attend to it. If your baby is tired, try rocking them in your arms so they can sleep for a while. If they are overstimulated, you can calm them down by offering a pacifier. You can also swaddle them to help them relax and have some rest.
- Reflux
Is baby shaking head side to side a sign of teething? It could be because they have reflux. That is a condition that causes stomach acid to flow back up into the esophagus. Reflux usually creates discomfort in babies and may cause them to shake their heads from side to side to find comfort. If this is your baby’s situation, then they need medical attention as soon as possible. Have your pediatrician examine your baby and offer treatment options.
- Ear infection
Your baby will experience some pain and discomfort when their ears are infected. That may make them shake their heads in sideways motions. They will also likely pull at the ear due to their pain. You should talk to your pediatrician immediately about a treatment option if your baby suffers from an ear infection.
- Developmental milestones
It may interest you to know that babies don’t only shake their heads from side to side due to pain or discomfort. At times it is actually a developmental milestone. It could be a sign that they can now hold their head up by themselves without assistance, signifying that their neck muscles are developing fast. If this is the case, then there is nothing to worry about. However, if you still have any concerns or want to be sure this is true, you could have your pediatrician examine your baby for confirmation.
- Growing senses
Your baby may also move their heads from side to side because they are getting more aware of their environment. They may be fascinated with what they see around them and would like to get glimpses of both sides. In this case, there is absolutely nothing wrong with your baby, as they are just experimenting with their growing senses.
- Happiness and contentment
If you observe that your baby is moving their heads side to side, they may just be happy and trying to play. They may also be content and not need food, diaper change, or sleep at that moment. That is usually the case if there are no accompanying symptoms like vomiting or fever. You have no cause for concern if this is the case with your baby. What you need to do is play with your baby or give them their favorite toys.
Although some babies may shake their heads from side to side while teething, it is not always a motion that is synonymous with teething. It could instead be caused by different other reasons as discussed above. You should pay attention to other signs your baby may exhibit when determining if they are teething. These include fussiness, drooling, and biting on objects they come across. It’s also best to consult your pediatrician if you are worried about your baby’s behavior.