Being able to sit independently is one of the most major milestones of a baby’s first year. Knowing what signs to look for and how to help your baby to learn to sit independently is very necessary. Some babies sit as early as 4 months while others start as late as 9 months old. Every baby is different so don’t rush it. Wait for them to get there on their own. Encouraging your little one to spend some time on tummy will help them a lot in developing important muscle strength necessary to achieve this milestone.
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Mentioned below are some tips you use to teach your baby to sit without assistance.
11 Tips to Teach your Baby to sit without assistance
1) Take some time out and make way for tummy time in your baby’s routine.
You can start with tummy time as soon as you get to bring your baby home from the hospital. At first, make them lie down on your lap or stomach. As they grow stronger, try replacing it with a safe surface and placing a baby blanket underneath them to make their tummy time comfortable.
2) Place the baby on their back.
We all know the importance of tummy time but back time is also very important for strengthening the baby’s abdominal, chest and trunk muscles. Make them lie down on their back and give them a safe toy to play with. This way they’ll soon try rolling over.
3) Hold your baby in upright postures
Help them practice sitting up by holding your baby in upright postures while using support. Your baby will not only get used to a sitting position but will also gain head and neck strength. Make sure their bodies are well supported while trying this.
4) Help the baby sit upright with toys and props
With the help of various toys and props, you can help your baby sit upright. Using some pillows, make your baby sit on your lap and place some toys in front of them and then help them reach out to those toys. A crib is also a good place to make your baby practice sitting up, but please, never leave your child unattended during this time.
5) Regularly place your baby on the corners of the couch and chairs
Before learning to sit up, babies need to learn how to balance themselves in a sitting position. Although having good trunk muscles aids this, but this isn’t all they need. Balance is neuromuscular. So, before your baby can sit up, they need to develop specific brainpower for it. To help them in this endeavor, place your baby on the corners of the couch, chairs or sofas so they can learn what it’s like to sit. Get yourself involved as well by sitting on the floor with your legs crossed and letting your baby sit between your calf and hamstring where they’ll be safely able to support themselves.
6) Use the Tripod sitting position
When babies are learning to sit up, they often put one or both arms out to stabilize and balance themselves, it’s like they turn their arms into kickstands to support their body weight. They will continue doing this until they develop enough core strength to support themselves. This is known as tripod sit. To prevent any injuries during this stage, make sure the baby is on a soft surface where their fall can be cushioned easily and are far away from sharp corners where they can easily hurt themselves. Supervise them during this time.
7) Use baby products to help them sit
Strong lower back, upper back and neck muscles are all a baby needs to sit up independently. Along with propping them up with the help of pillows or making them lean against something soft, you can also use some baby products to aid in this process. Boppy pillows and Bumbo seats are some favorite products of moms when it comes to helping their babies sit up.
8) Take a blanket and spread it on the floor.
Lay down your baby on their back on the blanket and then slowly try to pull them up into a sitting position. Another way to encourage your baby to sit up is by enticing them by placing a mirror above them. Babies love looking into the mirror so place a mirror a little above them so they will get encouraged to sit up and try to reach towards it. You can also try this strength-building exercise: hold your baby under their arms so they can put some weight on their feet. Though babies can’t stand up alone yet, with this exercise, they will gain more core strength.
9) Place the baby in a laundry basket or a box
Another thing you can try to make your baby sit up is by placing them in a laundry basket or a box and providing them support from both sides. While trying this, also help them balance their bodies while sitting.
10) Try making them sit in ring position when they’re between 6 to 8 months of age.
This involves making your baby sit on the floor with their legs apart but feet joined. This is a great position to provide good support and even when the baby trips, they’ll support themselves with their arms.
11) Avoid making your baby sit on swings, bouncers or baby seats for a longer duration.
To learn new skills, your baby should move their body around. So, by making them sit in a confined space for a long period may prove to be a hindrance towards their growth and development.
So, to help your baby sit up you can try the above tips to teach your baby to sit up without assistance. But please don’t go overboard with sitting exercises. Remember, every baby is different, and they may reach their developmental milestones at their own pace. So, don’t force them to do something they aren’t ready for yet.
Most babies can sit up independently between the age of 6 and 9 months. Even if your baby is a little behind and is at the latter end of this range, they’re probably fine. As long as they’re moving forward in their developmental stages. If you’re still concerned, call your pediatrician and voice your concerns.