Most first time mom often wonder and ask questions such as “Why is my breastmilk watery”? The answer is your breast milk is watery because it is composed mainly of water. The first milk that comes out from the breast (also called the foremilk) is thin and watery. The milk that comes out later is thick and white (hind milk). The former contains lots of vitamins and water required for the baby while the latter is rich in fat. Some mothers may have more foremilk content than hind milk, which is why breast milk may seem watery.
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It is every mother’s top priority to make sure that her baby is getting the appropriate amount of nutrients important for their healthy growth and development. Since we can’t really measure how much milk baby has had from the breast (although that would be convenient) that’s why most breastfeeding mothers are in self-doubt over whether their baby is getting enough food or not. In this article, you will learn how to thicken your breastmilk to better satisfy your baby.
Is watery breastmilk good for the baby?
Watery breastmilk is safe for the baby. However, the baby has to take lots of it to feel full. This may make the baby spit up because of the higher volume required to satisfy the baby. The baby may also become gassy and fussy because of the high lactose content in the milk.
How to thicken watery breastmilk?
1. Increase unsaturated fats in your diet
If you are seriously concerned about why your breastmilk is watery, it is time to work on it. Whatever diet you consume, determines the quality of your breastmilk and its production. So, your baby gets what you eat. With that fact in place, it would make sense to consume healthier fats or unsaturated fats to make your breast milk fattier. Foods that contain unsaturated fats include; nuts, eggs, salmon, avocado, and olive oil. These fats help lower cholesterol and lower the risk of heart disease. They also help improve blood sugar control so it’s a win-win situation for both mother and baby. Though these fats are healthy, consume them in a balanced manner to avoid indigestion.
2. Let your baby empty one breast first before offering the other breast
Many women believe that they need to feed on both sides at each feeding. This is not always the case. As milk is produced, fat contents in the milk stick to each other and to the walls of milk ducts. The milk then gradually moves towards the nipple as the breasts fill up with milk, bringing the thin watery stuff (foremilk) forward while leaving the denser and fattier hind milk behind (because it sticks to the walls of the ducts).
Switching baby from one breast to another while they are still sucking actively means that they aren’t getting enough time to reach the hind milk that helps them pack on the pounds. So, to make sure your baby is getting enough fat, let baby drain one breast and if they are still hungry, then offer them the other one. Some mothers pump out the foremilk and only let the baby consume hind milk. This isn’t the right way to make sure your baby gets all the fats they need. Though hind milk is most recommended, yet it doesn’t rule out the fact that your baby still largely needs the foremilk. Though it lacks the fat content, it is very rich in proteins and carbohydrates essential for the growth of your baby. So, make sure that your baby takes in this milk too.
3. Nurse frequently with shorter intervals
To make sure that your breast milk has a high-fat content, you need to reduce the time interval between feedings. This is important because by reducing these time intervals you ensure that your baby is getting the hind milk which is richer in fats. Unlike when the feeding time intervals are quite spaced and the body will have produced more foremilk and chances are if your baby feeds less often your baby might not get to the much-needed hind milk. According to research, evening milk is fattier than milk produced in the morning. As a mother, it is your duty to feed your baby more in the evening so you can increase the consumption of these fats.
4. Breast compressions help you make your milk fattier
It’s simple to do when your baby feeds; slightly hold your breast from the top forming a C shape and apply a little pressure. Do this and only stop when your baby stops to catch their breath. Repeat it when the baby resumes feeding. Breast compression allows the fat content stored in your mammary glands to move down towards the ducts quickly, and as a result, the hind milk, which is fattier, arrives sooner.
5. Increase your protein intake
This can help increase your milk supply overall, and more milk means more fat for your baby. Foods that have high protein content include; lean meats, chicken, fish, eggs, dairy, nuts, and seeds. However, if you are a vegetarian or you do not get enough protein from your food alone, consider adding a protein supplement to your diet.
6. Use supplements to increase milk supply and fat content
One of the most popular supplements known to increase fat content in breast milk is Sunflower Lecithin. It is used by mothers who frequently experience blocked ducts and thus can’t find any relief with breast compression or massage. This supplement works by decreasing the viscosity of breast milk by mixing the fatty parts of breast milk with the watery parts making it more “slippery.” Many mothers believe that this could also help their baby get more fat-rich hind milk quickly at the beginning of the feeding, which increases the percentage of fatty acids present in the milk. Be sure to consult with your doctor first before starting any supplements.
Now that you know the reason why your breastmilk is water and what to do to thicken it, it is time to put them to use. These tips are known to help mothers increase the fat content in their milk and help them make sure that their baby is getting all the nutrients they need to grow healthily. Keep in mind that the fat content in milk is released when the breast is nearly empty. So, be sure to breastfeed and pump more often and let your baby finish feeding from one breast first before offering the other one.
Even if after trying all these tips, you don’t see any change in the fat content of your milk then don’t be discouraged, just know that breast is best. Therefore, even some breast milk is better than none. Just go with the flow and do what you think is best for you and your baby.
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