Can I drink sprite while breastfeeding

Can I drink Sprite While Breastfeeding?

Most mom asks this question “can I drink Sprite while breastfeeding”? It is expected of nursing mothers to have many questions, just like they did during pregnancy. You ask questions about what to eat to feed your baby, what you should consume, and how to balance your food routine.  Breastfeeding is an important aspect of nursing your baby, and this act helps to equip your child with essential and many nutrients needed for growth and development. So, it is rational to be careful about what you consume during this period.

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During breastfeeding, you get thirsty easily because it is crucial to top up your fluid level for easy feeding of your baby. Then, the question of what to drink to quench your thirst comes in, sure the first thing you’d think of is “Water”. As much as water is essential, sometimes it becomes too ordinary and you will yearn for something more refreshing.

This is the moment you think of other options that can give you the satisfaction you desire. Just for the sake of protecting your baby, after getting other drinks, you doubt if it is healthy for both you and your child. Most mothers ask, can I drink sprite while breastfeeding? Can I drink alcohol? Can I drink wine? Does Sprite have caffeine? All these are questions asked just for the safety of their babies.

This article will introduce you to drinks you can indulge in while breastfeeding if water is ordinary to your taste buds.  Keeping yourself hydrated during breastfeeding is important as this will increase the breast fluid and make your baby feed well. Below is a list of drinks that can serve as an alternative to water;

  • Water enriched with fruits and ice
  • Almond milk
  • Vegetable juice
  • Fruit juice
  • Herbal teas: You should note that some babies are sensitive to ginseng, so be careful while using herbal teas.
  • Non-caffeine sodas.

You should know there are various myths about what to eat and drink during breastfeeding. Some say alcohol is bad, caffeinated soda is unhealthy, morning coffee isn’t allowed, drink milk to produce more, and so on and so forth. These myths are not true because research has shown there’s no reason you can’t have your morning coffee just because you’re breastfeeding, you just have to limit the amount.

Caffeinated sodas can be consumed at a relatively small amount, so instead of taking them, it is advisable to drink sodas that don’t have caffeine. This is because caffeine induces sleeplessness in babies and might even increase the rate at which a mother’s heartbeats. Large intake of the caffeinated drink by breastfeeding mothers will automatically increase the level of caffeine in breast milk, which will have a negative effect on the child.

So the answer to the question, Can I drink Sprite while breastfeeding? Is “Yes”.

But the question is “does sprite have caffeine? Sprite is caffeine-free and about 3-4 cups daily are enough for any nursing mother. It is a lime and lemon-flavored drink that gives a clean and refreshing taste to your taste buds. It is also a non-caffeinated soda, and it doesn’t have any side effects on babies.

This soda consists of natural flavours, carbonated water, fructose corn syrup, citric acid, and preservative. The components of Sprite are not harmful to babies, nor is it harmful to anyone. It should be noted that there are various flavours of Sprite and knowing which is best for you is paramount. These are some flavours of a sprite;

Original Sprite-Zero sugar, Sprite cherry, Sprite Cranberry, Cucumber flavoured, Tropical Remix, Sprite lemonade, and peach flavour.

Furthermore, when askingCan I drink Sprite while breastfeeding? The sprite in this context should be the original sprite and not Sprite Zero sugar. This is because Sprite Zero Sugar contains an artificial sweetener called “aspartame” which is not good for you and your baby.

In addition, as it is known that babies are fragile, it is important to feed them with the best meal essential for their wellbeing. As a nursing mother, know the foods you must limit or avoid as a whole during breastfeeding. Here are lists of foods that studies have shown nursing mothers must avoid.

1)    Alcohol

High intake of alcohol by breastfeeding mothers can lead to intoxication in babies. This is because the food consumed by mothers will also be consumed by babies in the form of breast milk. Alcohol gets to breast milk about 30-60 minutes after consumption, which can have a negative effect on babies when it is in large quantities.

2)   Caffeinated tea and chocolate

Caffeine is a stimulant that promotes alertness and boosts energy in the human body. As a nursing mother, when you drink the too much-caffeinated drink, it gives your baby insomnia and they won’t be able to sleep peacefully.

3)   Fish

Fish is a proteinous food that has been proven to increase body growth and helps to promote your baby’s brain development. All these benefits are as a result of a component in fish called “Omega-3 fatty acids. Moreover, fish should be limited or avoided as a whole because it contains an element called “Mercury”. Most fish and seafood have a high amount of mercury, and consumption can lead to impairment in speech and language development.

 Examples of this fish are;

  • Shark
  • Marlin
  • Swordfish

4)   Energy drinks

This should be limited because of the high amount of caffeine that will have side effects on babies.

5)   Processed foods

These foods are not healthy, and they mostly contain calories and sugars that won’t give any benefit.

Moving on, as a nursing mother, you should be very observant about what you eat because most infants are sensitive and they give off some signs when your diet affects them. Signs like;

  • Diarrhea
  • Stools covered in blood
  • Congestion
  • Eczema

Can breastfeeding mothers drink soda?

No. Soda contains a high amount of sugar that may be passed onto the baby. This can result in poor cognitive development for the baby.

Can I drink Sprite while breastfeeding?

Drinking sprite while breastfeeding is not a bad idea as long as you drink it moderately abstain from Sprite Zero sugar. Sprite is a non-caffeinated soft drink that can serve the purpose of keeping you refreshed and hydrated during breastfeeding. A few cups of sprite daily can’t hurt a breastfeeding mom, nor will it have negative effects on your baby. Consuming the best food and drink is important for your baby’s health and wellbeing. Make sure you ask questions before indulging in any food and drinks.

Check out the Ultimate Breastfeeding class to become a pro at breastfeeding within 90 minutes!

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