My child is constantly jumping

My child is constantly jumping, should I be worried?

My child is constantly jumping! He has a hard time keeping still for a long time! Does that describe you? Do you have a hyperactive child that has been a cause of concern to you? Relax because this post is about to give you some respite. We will suggest helpful tips to better engage your constantly jumping child in productive activities that can put their hyperactive trait to good use. Constant jumping is often caused by genetic makeup, lack of adequate outdoor time during unfavorable weather conditions, and high-carb diets.

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5 things to do when your child is constantly jumping 

1. Make use of the trampoline

A constantly jumping child loves to jump. So, make them jump! How? On a trampoline! If you don’t have one, you should make a purchase immediately. You can check out the 60″ trampoline for kids on Amazon. Kids love the trampoline because it enables them to have fun. Allow your child to jump on it when excited and wanting to play. With the trampoline, you get to stop them from jumping on chairs and tables in the house, damaging your furniture, and even hurting themselves. You also succeed in keeping their jumping activities restricted to a spot which is the trampoline. Lastly, with the trampoline, you succeed in letting your child have fun while engaged in that activity you were once worried about.

2. Get them involved in active sports

A constantly jumping child has a lot of energy that you can channel into sporting activities. If your child jumps continuously, you should find out which sports they enjoy and would like to participate in. If they have none in mind, you can arouse their interest in any sport you think allows them to move their bodies. Your child may do well in soccer, lawn tennis, and table tennis. Sprint events are also a good pick. You could also find out if they loved to engage in gymnastics as it will help them make good use of their legs and hands and do many forward and backward flips. 

3. Make room for playtime

A constantly jumping child loves to play a lot. So, please add playtime to their daily routine. This time should be long enough for them to play and have their fill! It will also help if you make this playtime an outdoor affair. That way, there will not be many restrictions like you have indoors. If your child can play like this constantly, they will play to their satisfaction and will likely be calmer by the time they get back indoors and shower. They will also most likely fall asleep faster afterward, after taking their dinner. That is because they will have exerted a lot of energy which will make them completely worn out.

4. Encourage your child to exercise more often

If you have a hyperactive child, let them accompany you whenever you exercise. That will be an opportunity to let out all the energy inside them. Allow them to jog with you regularly. You can also take them if they’re old enough to go to the gym. With time, you should encourage them to have an exercise routine different from yours. Make them stick to it. 

5. Dance classes

Another solution to the “my child is constantly jumping” problem is dancing. A constantly jumping child will most likely do well dancing. There are various dance classes where you can enroll them so they can learn some good dancing skills like ballet. Because of their high energy, they are likely to take dancing seriously and go on to win various competitions.


Hyperactive kids eat lots of food high in carbohydrates. Replace some of the carbs with more fruits and vegetables. However, the best way to handle “my child is constantly jumping” problems is to find ways to engage your child actively. The trick is to engage them in activities that require that same energy with which they constantly jump, just like those suggested above. Many kids have become world champions in various fields by doing that. Your constantly jumping child may just be the next!

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