Is it ok for a 7 year-old to sleep with their parents

Is it ok for a 7 year-old to sleep with their parent?

It is common to find 7-year-old still sleeping with their parents. While this is not a problem with most families, it is a cause for concern in others. Are you in this situation and looking for practical solutions to ending it? 7 year-old still sleeping with their parents can have different psychological effects on the child. This blog post will point out some steps you can take to help your 7-year-old break free from the habit of co-sleeping with you. It will also answer some commonly asked questions about the sleeping habits of seven-year-olds. 

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When is a child too old to sleep with parents? 

There is no specific age when a child becomes too old to sleep with their parents. The period of stopping such an arrangement depends on the personal preference of the parents. Some families don’t even allow their babies to co-sleep with their parents. However, for those who let it, and the child is already used to sleeping with mom and dad, just before adolescence is an excellent time to insist on children sleeping in their rooms. It then means that as soon as a child becomes a teenager, they become too old to sleep with their parents.

Psychological effects of a child sleeping with parents  

The psychological effects of a child sleeping with parents differ with the child’s age and family settings. There are both positive and negative sides to it. On the one hand, it is generally believed that children who co-sleep with their parents tend to feel more secure. They are not afraid because they have strong faith in their parents to defend and provide for them. They experience comfort and a sense of attachment to their parents. They are easily soothed and are hardly irritated. Children who sleep with their parents tend to have better overall mental health. They are not disturbed emotionally. They are not aggressive when they play with their friends. Instead, they maintain a calm disposition most of the time. They open up quickly when they are disturbed by anything. They also have a strong bond with their parents. They find it easy to show love to their parents and other people because they feel loved by their parents.

Ironically, there are adverse psychological effects of children sleeping with their parents. One of the reasons is that such children become too dependent on their parents. They may not be able to make decisions for themselves early in life. They are also clingy and may not act like their peers regarding maturity. Another effect is that they may have sleep difficulties whenever they start sleeping independently. Because they have not been used to sleeping independently, they may have nightmares or refuse to fall asleep for most of the night. That will make them unsettled, cranky, and easily agitated during the day. They are also scared of the dark, as they cannot remain in a dark room without screaming or running out. 

How to break the habit of a 7- year old still sleeping with their parents 

Try the following tips to break the habit of your 7-year-old still sleeping with you. 

  1. Encourage your child to face their fears. They are scared of the dark and being alone in their rooms at night. Try to increase their self-confidence by telling them how big they are now and how big boys and girls should not be co-sleeping with their parents.
  1. Stick to your plan no matter the odds. Your child may want to revolt sometimes; gently but firmly reassure them that they can sleep independently. 
  1. Read bedtime stories or play soft music for your child before kissing them goodnight. That will help to soothe and calm them. They will feel relaxed and distracted from the thoughts of being alone as they think of the story. Ensure to, however, read only happy and positive stories to them.
  1. Leave some low light on for your child, as against leaving them in complete darkness. They may find it hard to be alone in the dark, so the low light can ease things up.
  1. Assure your child that you are nearby if they need anything. That will give them the feeling that they are not alone after all.


No doubt, your 7 year-old still sleeping with their parents has been used to doing so for a long while, and trying to break this habit may have been challenging. You must, however, be determined to help them overcome this habit. Try out the tips discussed above for possible changes in their sleep routine. Ensure to reassure your seven-year-old of your love for them during this transition.

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