How to stop a Baby from eating Books

How to stop a baby from eating books

If your child is already teething, they will chew on anything they come across to relieve themselves of the discomforting feeling they have in their mouths. When you also expect them to be captivated by the storybooks you buy for them, they may find a better use for them – chewing! You may be concerned about your baby’s safety and wonder if they could get sick from chewing on books, be it hardcover, board, or plain papers. This blog post will enlighten you on how to stop a baby from eating books. Keep reading.

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5 Ways to stop a baby from eating books 

1. Find out why they are eating books

The first step to knowing how to stop a baby from eating books is to find out why they are eating them. The quick assumption is always that they intend to scratch their gums with the books to relieve the itchy feeling they have in their gums. However, there may be other reasons, but you will only know this if you deliberately find out. The outcome of your findings will give you a clue about what to do.

2. Keep books away from your baby

The best way to stop your baby from eating books is to keep them far away. Always be conscious that you have a growing baby in the house. So, keep your books and useful papers off the table or stool like you used to. As soon as you finish reading the newspaper or other vital documents, put them in your work bag or lock them up in drawers where your baby won’t have easy access to them. There are also shelves, and book stands for storing books in the home. Ensure to buy one high enough so your baby can’t reach it even if they must climb.

3. Get them some chewable jewelry

There are fascinating chewable pieces of jewelry that can help take your baby’s attention from the books when they need to put something in their mouths. All you have to do is wear the chewable jewelry on their necks and draw their attention to it when they itch in their gums. With time they will easily reach for it on their own. Check out the sensory chewable necklace for kids on Amazon.

4. Give them something to drink and snack on

When your baby moves to put books in their mouth, hand them a snack. That will distract them as they find their snacks more tasty and chewy. That means you should have a ready supply of snacks, drinks, and fruits, as they will be handy anytime. Hand them their beverages in cups with hard straws attached, as that would help them keep busy, so they don’t go back to the books.

5. Teach them the correct use for books

Your baby may be very young, and you may think they cannot learn. However, they start learning at such tender ages and can very well understand what you try to teach them. They also learn faster by visual illustrations, so you should find ways to teach them that books should be read and not eaten. This lesson requires a lot of patience, so when next you see your child chewing on a book, gently stop them from doing so and practically show them what to do with it.

Can babies chew on board books? 

Babies chew everything! They will put anything in sight into their mouths, especially at the teething stage. They should be fine as long as they don’t chew on drugs and coins. There have been some reports that board books contain a level of lead, though no child has been reported to have taken ill due to chewing on them. So, your child will most likely chew on board books; however, you should not encourage them to continue. When you find your child instinctively chewing on their board books, gently guide the book away from their mouth and help them take an interest in the book’s content.

Are board books toxic? 

Some reports show that board books, like other glossy and plastic materials, may contain some quantity of lead. Lead is harmful to human health. However, whether the amount of metal found in board books makes them toxic and detrimental to your child remains controversial. Moreover, there is yet to be a report of any child who got sick because they chewed board books.


I hope you found the above tips on how to stop a baby from eating books beneficial. You will no longer be at a loss when your baby next pulls at a book nearby. Put these tips into practice henceforth and reduce your baby’s consumption of books. You should also take along some of the alternative items mentioned above whenever you go out with your baby.

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