How To Stop Nappy From Sticking to Baby’s Bum

Looking for how to stop nappy from sticking to baby’s bum? Nappies are safe to be worn on your little one, although some of them are specifically made for different age grades. Your little one has limited activities during the first few months and would need a nappy to ensure comfortability. Giving birth to a baby makes you think about the fun and exciting times but one of the not-so-pleasant times is changing nappies or seeing your baby sore from a nappy sticking to your baby’s bum. Your little one needs to wear a nappy to prevent poop or urine from getting on rugs, chairs, or even the bed; Some babies have more sensitive skin than others and this can result in several situations including the nappy sticking to the baby’s bum.

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When your baby’s nappy sticks to his/her bum, it makes their skin sore. It might also peel their skin and this makes them fussy and irritated.  If you notice the nappy sticking to your baby’s skin, here are tips to stop the nappy from sticking to the baby’s bum.

What to do when baby bum stick to nappy

  • Ensure your baby’s bum is moist while peeling the nappy away to avoid hurting your baby’s bum
  • Gently peel the nappy off with a ball of damp cotton wool, a warm soft washcloth, or a baby wipe that is free of alcohol.
  • After peeling the nappy off, wash your baby’s bum with warm water and pat dry carefully
  • Apply a nappy cream to your baby’s bum to give your baby relief from the pain.
  • Allow baby’s bum to air out for a while to promote healing.

You might be wondering what could cause a nappy to stick to your baby’s bum, below are some reasons.

What causes a nappy to stick to your baby’s bum?

Allergy to a particular nappy brand:

Your baby might have really sensitive skin and this might result in the nappy sticking to your baby’s skin. Different nappy brands are made with different materials and your little one might have an allergy to either the lining, the fragrance, or other materials used in the production. You can get a nappy that has a non-chemical absorption method if your little one has sensitive skin.

Nappy absorbed with excess urine:

When urine sits too long in the nappy, it can stick to your baby’s bum. Your baby’s skin is still sensitive and the urine has some acidic content that can make your baby’s skin sore when it sticks on the nappy.

Dried poop on the nappy:

Your baby can poop several times a day and when your baby’s poop stays longer than necessary, it can get dried and stick to your baby’s bum. This can get aggravated if it is left for a longer period. It can irritate your baby’s skin due to the enzymes present in your baby’s poop.

Lack of airflow from nappy to skin:

If your baby’s nappy is too tight to the skin, it might stick to your baby’s delicate skin due to excess moisture. Your baby’s skin is still sensitive and lack of air when moisture builds up can make the nappy stick to your baby’s bum

If your baby’s nappy keeps sticking to the bum, it’s important to know how to stop it. Below are the guidelines on how to stop nappy from sticking to your baby’s bum

How to stop nappy from sticking to your baby’s bum

Use a base layer:

There are different types of base layer you can use before putting a nappy on your baby. There is the petroleum-based product (A&D ointment or Vaseline) and the base product that contains zinc-oxide (Balmex or Destin). It is important that you test this product on your baby’s skin to ensure your baby’s skin is not sensitive to the base layer. Ensure your baby’s skin is clean and dry before applying the base layer on your baby’s bum.

Use a different nappy brand:

Your little one has a sensitive skin and might be reacting to a particular brand of diaper. You can try a different brand of nappy to stop the nappy from sticking to your baby’s bum.        

Go a nappy size up:

A tight nappy keeps moisture too close to your baby’s delicate skin. You can get the next size up to reduce the excess moisture that makes the nappy stick to your baby’s skin.

Allow baby’s skin to air out without nappy:

Create times during the day when your baby would not wear nappy. This allows your baby’s skin to be free of any moisture. It could be for 10-15 minutes in between nappy change. It is advised you air out your baby’s bum only at night to avoid your baby soiling important surfaces.

Do not leave nappy longer than necessary:

It is important to change your baby’s nappy immediately you realize that there is poop or excess urine in it. This would help avoid the nappy sticking to your baby’s bum.

A nappy sticking to your baby’s bum can be very discomforting for your little one. Your baby’s skin might peel and cause a sore, hence, your baby might be irritated, could make a fuss throughout the day, and could become very hard to appease. If this sore gets irritated the more, it starts bleeding or your baby has a fever, it is important to check with your pediatrician for a proper diagnosis.

Removing the nappy from your baby’s skin without hurting your baby is extremely important. Guidelines on how to peel the nappy away from your baby’s skin without hurting your baby have been highlighted above. You might be concerned and wonder what causes the nappy to stick to your baby’s bum and the best way to ensure the nappy doesn’t stick to your baby’s bum, reasons why nappy sticks to your baby’s bum and the best ways to ensure the nappy doesn’t stick have been listed above. Ensure you follow these guidelines to ensure your little one doesn’t get cranky and hurt because of a nappy.

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