Is it good to expose baby to loud music at wedding

Is it good to expose a baby to loud music at wedding?

Weddings are a time for happiness and loud celebrations. Everyone is so happy – the couple, family, and guests. Weddings are usually loud because everyone can’t contain joy and excitement. There is a lot of singing, dancing, and loud music from the sound systems. Are you worried whether it is good to expose a baby to loud music at a wedding or not? Knowing how tender they are, is it good to expose a baby to loud music at a wedding? The answer is no. Loud music can adversely affect your baby; this blog post will show you how to protect them.

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How soon can infants be around loud noise? 

Your baby’s ears are still developing as a young infant, and their sense of hearing is very delicate. Babies begin to recognize voices from two months old. By the time they are six months, they will respond to any sound, no matter the direction it’s coming from. However, they can be adversely affected by sounds that are too loud. They can be around loud noises at this age but to a reasonable and healthy limit. While babies should altogether avoid too loud sounds, overexposure to moderate sounds can also damage babies’ ears. 

How does noise affect babies? 

Loud noise can affect babies negatively in the following ways:

  • Noise can stress your baby and also make them overly agitated. 
  • Babies are easily startled by loud.
  • Loud noises make your baby cry uncontrollably, causing them to refuse comfort.
  • It makes it difficult for your baby to sleep well. Lack of adequate sleep can make your baby cranky, so avoid any loud noises that can prevent them from sleeping well.
  • Loud noise, when endured over a long period, can damage your baby’s hearing and could result in hearing loss.
  • Noise distracts your baby during breastfeeding, making them not eat to their fill.

What is too loud for a baby? 

The standard measurement for sound is decibels (dB). Sounds louder than 85 decibels are not suitable for a baby. Such sounds are considered too loud. Constantly exposing your baby to such high-decibel sounds can damage the inner part of their ear. With time, this could cause permanent loss of hearing. So, you should avoid high-decibel sounds for babies as much as possible. Examples of devices that produce too loud noises for a baby are:

  • Hair dryer (90 dB) 
  • Vacuum cleaner (80 dB) 
  • Lawnmower (90 dB) 
  • Car horn (110 dB) 
  • Motorcycle (95 dB) 
  • Ambulance siren (120 dB) 
  • Shotgun blast (170 dB)
  • Rock concert (120 dB) 
  • Jet engine (140 dB) 
  • Fireworks (140 dB) 

How to protect baby’s ears from loud noise 

Take the following steps to protect your baby’s ears from loud noise:

  • Protect your baby’s ears with suitable devices like ear muffs when taking them to sports events, concerts, or the airport. You can check out the Alpine Muffy Baby Ear Protection for Babies and Toddlers on Amazon. Ear muffs can also prevent your baby from getting exposed to loud music at a wedding. They are adjustable, hence can fit on your baby’s head no matter their size. That also makes them suitable for long-term use as your child can use them as infants, toddlers, and at older ages. Ear muffs effectively block off loud sounds and protect the inner sections of your baby’s ears. Noise-canceling headphones are another suitable option for reducing loud sounds from harming your baby’s ears.
  • Try to keep the volume of your electronic devices low when watching TV or playing music with your baby around. While driving with your baby, keep the car stereo low and bearable for their ears.
  • Once you discover that the sound is too loud in whatever environment you find yourself with your baby, quickly move away some reasonable distance from the noise source.
  • Watch out for your baby’s reaction to sounds at home and when you are out with them. If they suddenly become uncomfortable or distressed by the surrounding sounds, don’t hesitate to move away from that environment. If you’re opportune, you can also turn off or reduce the noise source.
  • For toddlers and older children who can use earphones, be mindful of the volume of what they’re listening to. Children may not always know how to adjust the volume of their devices, so you have to do that for them. An excellent way to understand that the volume may be too high is if you can hear the sound while they have the earphones on.


As a new mom, are you planning to attend a wedding ceremony with your entire family? You should take the necessary steps to ensure you don’t get your baby exposed to loud music at a wedding. If at all it happens, ensure it is brief. Use ear muffs and noise-clearing headphones if you must stay at the event longer to avoid baby being exposed to loud music at a wedding.

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