How to make baby formula taste better

How to make baby formula taste better

As your baby grows and begins to develop his or her personality, much will change about how you accommodate all that. One of the earlier battles parents face is ensuring that the baby formula tastes better for their babies. Some parents have found that their babies have a rough transition from breast milk to baby formula due to factors such as taste and sometimes smell.

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This is because breast milk has a unique taste that will stand out distinctly to your baby when you transition to baby formula. However, such difficulties are also faced by parents who change from one formula to the other. Parents find their babies refusing to eat the new brand and craving the one they are used to.

Why does formula taste so bad?

Have you ever tasted baby formula before? Some of them taste so bad. Some formulas taste metallic. This is the reason some babies don’t like the taste of formula when transiting from breast milk to formula. In fact, some of them will make disgusted faces and refuse to swallow the formula. Baby formulas taste so bad because of the ingredients used in producing them. This is why most moms want to know how to make formula taste better for their babies.

Below are tips to make the formula taste better.

How to make formula taste better

The general ruling seems to be that adding supplements or anything to improve the taste of the formula is not always a good idea. There are concerns about exposing your little one to sugars too early, the risk of infant obesity, and the risk of choking. While being cautious of these threats, here are a few steps you can try to make formula taste better for your baby.

1.         Add breast milk

It has been proven that some mothers who still have expressed milk or who can express milk add their breast milk to the formula during preparation. It improves the taste and provides a familiar base for the baby to ingest. However, it is also advised that breast milk should be fed separately from formula rather than mixing therefore seek advice from a specialist or your Pediatrician before mixing breast milk in formula preparation.

2.         Use sterile milk

The type of milk used with baby formula is very indicative of the overall taste of the preparation. It can affect and improve it, so make a wise choice. The use of sterile milk has shown to be a preventive measure against cross-contamination. It also allows your baby to have a highly nutritious meal every feeding time.

3.         Use half-and-half

Baby doesn’t like the taste of formula? Try the half-and-half trick. This method is useful when you have transitioned from one formula to another and your baby isn’t accepting of the new taste. You can incorporate the former into the one you are presently using until the taste becomes normal again. This means half of the number of scoops you need will be the old one while the new formula will make up the rest. You will need to get approval from your baby’s pediatrician to use this method continuously.

4.         Make sure you are not overheating

The amount of heat and the heating method you use for the formula can affect its overall taste. Make sure you are not using a microwave which is adequate except for the fact that it doesn’t seem to heat evenly, the result will be that the formula will have lukewarm portions and very hot portions. The method that has worked better for parents is the bottle warmer which uses steam that is gradually and evenly distributed throughout the formula.

5.         Mix properly

Baby doesn’t like the taste of formula? During formula preparation, ensure that you swirl to mix and not shake vigorously. This causes the formation of bubbles that may cause stomach issues for your baby.

6.         Get help

If you are transitioning from breast milk to formula for health or personal reasons, then you will need help with the baby. Although your baby’s taste buds are still developing and they will likely adjust to the new meal in a short period of time, it is important to distance yourself from the baby during feeding. This is recommended because babies can smell breast milk when the mother is near and may refuse the formula because of it.

7.         Don’t rush

Quickly going into something that your baby hasn’t ever had a taste of in order to make him feed is not the right way to go. Besides, most formula companies already add certain ingredients to sweeten their product and that’s why some experts have even advised against putting any additives in the baby’s formula. Wait it out, and if your baby doesn’t adjust naturally to the formula then seek advice from your pediatrician.

Factors to consider when your baby doesn’t like the formula

1.         It could be the bottle

Sometimes, when babies reject the bottle we are quick to think that the cause is the content of the bottle when it could be the bottle itself. Certain feeding bottles are really difficult for babies to eat from and can be quite frustrating for the baby. So don’t be quick to change the formula, try finding out more about the bottle you are using to see if something about it can be improved.

2.         Follow instructions strictly

The steps for preparation on the formula pack is so designed to ensure that you arrive at the right texture and concentration for your baby to get the best out of every feed. Use the scoop that came with the formula and make sure you don’t scoop over the level or under the level when preparing. Make sure to add the formula to water and not vice-versa and also ensure that you don’t over dilute your baby’s formula.

3.         Watch fluorine levels

Your baby gets fluorine from the formula and from the water you use in preparing the formula whether it be tap water or bottled water. To prevent fluorosis, some parents use deionized and distilled water which is great if your baby gets fluorine from other sources. To ensure that you use the right water for your baby, see a doctor for professional advice.

4.         Don’t be abrupt

Try not to change anything too suddenly on the baby, make it as gradual as possible. Unless there are real health issues arising from the use of certain formula or milk, take your time when changing it, and make it with the transition. You can use the method of ‘half and half’ where you mix some of the formula your baby is used to with the new one you are trying out to introduce the taste. This way, there won’t be a total rejection of the new one when you finally begin to use it alone.

5. Give the baby the best tasting formula

The reason why some babies do not like new formula tastes is that they taste bad. If you use good-tasting formulas like the Gerber good start infant formula, Enfamil Prosobee Infant Formula, and Similac Isomil Infant Formula. The Gerber Goodstart formula is the closest formula that tastes more like breast milk.

3 Formulas that doesn’t taste like metal

  1. Gerber Good Start Infant Formula: Babies who are switching from breast milk frequently prefer this formula due to its mild flavor. It is designed to be gentle on the baby’s stomach and has a creamy texture.
  2. Enfamil NeuroPro Infant Formula: This infant formula has a pleasant taste and is smooth. It is loaded with nutrients that help brain development and is made to imitate the nutrient composition of breast milk.
  3. Similac Pro-Advance Infant Formula: Similac Pro-Advance is famous for its tasty flavor. Many babies enjoy the taste of this blend of prebiotics, which supports intestinal health.

3 Worst tasting baby formula

  1. Nutramigen with Enflora LGG Infant Formula: This formula is specially made for babies who have allergies to the proteins in cow’s milk. Some babies could initially reject it because of how different its flavor is from the conventional formula.
  2. EleCare Infant Formula: EleCare is a hypoallergenic formula suggested for infants with digestive or severe food allergies. Some babies could find it challenging to accept because the flavor is frequently reported as extremely bitter.
  3. Alimentum Ready-to-Feed Formula: Alimentum is a second hypoallergenic formula that has a potentially distinctive flavor. Because it contains a lot of hydrolyzed proteins, it may have a strong flavor that some babies find unpleasant.

What to do if my baby doesn’t like the taste of formula?

It can take some time for babies to get used to the taste of formula, hence if your baby doesn’t like it, you should first be patient and give it some time. To choose a formula that your baby enjoys, you can also try out other brands or varieties. If your baby consistently rejects formula and has trouble eating, you should also see a pediatrician as they can offer advice and suggest suitable remedies.

Above are tips to make baby formula tastes a lot better. The key is to be gradual in everything that you introduce to your baby, do not rush, and do not expect your baby to adjust instantly, take it one day at a time. Have you tried any one of them? Share with me in the comment section.

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