What to do when Baby sleeps face planted into a mattress

What to do when Baby Sleeps face planted into a mattress is a common concern with many new moms, and it is a phase all mothers go through nurturing babies. Baby sleep concerns are one critical aspect that should not be overlooked because unhealthy sleep positions can deprive the mother of rest and expose the baby to health concerns if left unchecked.

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A proper sleep position avails every mother of sound rest, peace of mind, and comfort, and this makes it even more pertinent to get equipped with the right information on how to put your baby to sound sleep.

If you fall into this category of mothers who would love to know how to handle such a situation and would like to know what to do when Baby sleeps face planted into a mattress during sleep, then this guide is for you. Simply follow the guidelines below if your baby sleeps face down to remedy the situation:

1. Turn the Baby’s Face Back Up

Little infants roll over in the middle of the night unsupervised, leading them to sleep faced-down. Babies exposed to this condition are often exposed to health risks, suffocation, and possible asphyxiation. This is why the concern about the baby’s sleeping position isn’t one to be taken lightly. 

On average, most babies begin to roll over by four months, where babies tend to roll from back to the tummy before rolling again from tummy to back. This process continues into the sixth month, where the baby then begins to roll in both directions. (It should be noted that some babies begin to roll over from the second month).

 During this phase of your baby’s growth, it is important to introduce one of the best natural ways of repositioning your baby from sleeping faced-down; this is achieved by paying attention to know when your baby turns over.

Paying attention which also may deprive you of some sleep to watch over your baby’s condition, is a habit you must cultivate during this period. Paying very close attention and turning your baby’s face back up is undoubtedly one of the things to do when Baby sleep face is planted into a mattress.

The effective way of going about it is switching supervisory roles with your partner or other caregivers so that you can have effective watch over your baby’s sleeping position.

2. Use an Angel Care Movement Monitor Under the Crib Mattress

Angelcare 3-in-1 AC527 Baby Monitor, with Movement Tracking, 5’’ Video, Sound & Temperature Display on Camera

Technology comes in handy in monitoring your baby’s sleep position and proves to be an effective tool to help you better manage your baby’s sleeping position. This is why using an angel care movement monitor is one of the most effective ways to monitor your baby’s sleep position and then make sure your baby doesn’t sleep faced-down.

The Angel care movement monitor offers excellent service at a pocket-friendly price to parents who desire to monitor their baby’s sleep position using technology effectively.

An angel care movement monitor instills a sense of peace, knowing fully well your baby is safe and sound under protective watch. Using an angel care monitor helps you relax even while the baby is asleep because this device monitor’s your baby’s movement while asleep.

The system is designed to fit beneath your baby’s crib mattress, which tracks your baby’s movement while asleep.

This system is ideal for all parents and doesn’t require many technicalities to operate.  Parents with safety worries can rest assured about their baby’s safety because this device doesn’t need cords or cables to stay operational. The angel care movement monitor features easy wireless communication capabilities, and the system comes with a sensor pad that communicates feedback wirelessly to the nursery kit.

3. Use Porous Mattresses such as the Newton Baby Crib Mattress and Toddler Bed

Newton Baby Crib Mattress and Toddler Bed - 100% Breathable Proven to Reduce Suffocation Risk, 100% Washable, 2-Stage, Non-Toxic Better Than Organic, Removable Cover - Deluxe 5.5

If you desire to know what to do when Baby Sleep face planted into the mattress, think about using porous mattresses such as the Newton Baby Crib Mattress and Toddler Bed, as this proves to be a practical way to manage your baby’s sleep position.

Porous mattresses such as the Newton Baby Crib Mattress and Toddler Beds are specially designed to improve healthy sleep patterns in babies. These mattresses feature safety measures, breathable fabric that eliminates the risk of suffocation, washable material, and waterproof fabric that helps our baby stay comfortable and relaxed.

Much safety concern is put into the mattresses’ production as the designers consider baby’s needs in ensuring baby safety, protection, and improved sleep. The breathable fabric allows free airflow and is proven to do away with the risk of suffocation and carbon dioxide re-breathing even when your baby changes position during the night.

Temperature control and regulation are some of the prime factors taken into consideration in the production processes of these mattresses. Porous mattresses such as the Newton Baby Crib Mattress and Toddler Bed are made in a way that overheating doesn’t occur and sweating backs are eliminated, improving your baby’s sleep quality.

One other fantastic feature of these mattresses is the two-layer cover they come with that gives parents the possibility of using them over a long time.

4. Use the baby Brezza Safe Sleep Swaddle Blanket for Crib Safety for Newborns and Infants

Baby Brezza Safe Sleep Swaddle Blanket for Crib Safety for Newborns and Infants – Safe, Anti-Rollover Blanket in White, by Tranquilo Reste

What to do when Baby sleeps face planted into a mattress is an essential concern that parents cannot waive aside; this is why using the baby Brezza safe sleep swaddle blanket for crib safety for newborns and infants is an effective decision to consider.

Scientific research shows that some air permeable mattresses significantly help to prevent carbon dioxide rebreathing in babies during sleep. For example, it takes less than three minutes for carbon dioxide to dissipate from a tight mattress with firm-gripping sheets, but it takes less than two seconds in safe sleep mattresses. This quality alone helps your infant baby get fresh air and improved sleep.

The baby Brezza safe sleep swaddle blanket for crib safety for newborns and infants helps babies and parents alike sleep safely without worries. This is because parents will enjoy better sleep knowing fully well that baby is safe and sound while at sleep. This unique swaddle comfortably secures babies on their back while at sleep and is recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics.

Some crucial benefits of this product include 100% washable fabric and soft cotton material. It eliminates the risks of rolling over, tummy sleeping, and climbing or falling out of the sleeping space and, in turn, promotes a healthy sleep habit. This product is affordable and does not expose the baby to any risk.


What to do when Baby sleeps face planted into a mattress should not be a worry if you follow the information outlined in this guide, just choose any of the options indicated above, and you can be on your way to improving your baby’s sleep health.

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