What to do with a clingy 3 year old

What to do with a clingy 3 year old?

Many parents are having difficulty drawing the line between giving their kids attention and allowing clingy behavior. If you have a clingy 3 year old, getting them to learn independence may be challenging because you don’t want to hurt their tender feelings. It is essential for you to carefully observe your child to know the underlying reasons for their clinginess. That way, you can take the necessary steps to address the problem. This blog post will help you understand the possible causes of this clingy behavior among young children and provide helpful tips for overcoming the difficulties of a clingy 3 year old.

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Why is my toddler so clingy and whiny? 

There are many reasons why your toddler is so clingy and whiny. 

  1. One such reason is separation anxiety. During the toddler stage, your child may be afraid you will leave them to somewhere without taking them along. They were used to being around you all the while they could not walk on their own. They may sense that you are no longer as physically close to them as you used to be since they started walking, which scares them. So their only way of ensuring you are around them is to cling to you always.
  1. Your toddler may also be clingy because they are overwhelmed with everything around them and prefer to take solace in your presence. That is especially so when they are introduced to a new environment with strange faces. 
  1. They may also feel better secure only when they are sure you are nearby. That often happens when you are trying to make a clingy 3 year old sleep on their own after co-sleeping with you since birth. They may find sleeping alone difficult and would always want to be around you instead.
  1. Another common reason toddlers exhibit clingy and whiny behaviors is when they feel sick. They may feel a lot of discomfort within themselves and prefer to be with you to get comfort and strength to go through the illness.

How to break a clingy toddler 

1. Reassure your toddler

The main reason why your toddler will be clingy is that they are afraid they may turn around and not find you anymore! You can help them overcome this feeling by reassuring them of your love for them. Tell them you are not far away, and they can call on you when they need your help.

2. Have together time

Please find time to be with your toddler and play with them daily. Let them know that it is your “alone time” with them. Listen to all they say at such times and answer their innocent and childish questions. You must, however, let them know that the together time is for a particular time, after which they must allow you to do some work or attend to other things. Please encourage them to get used to this routine over time.

3. Set boundaries

It would help to let your child know that you will no longer accept some behaviors from them because they are no longer infants. Express your disapproval when they act clingy, and insist on proper behavior from them if they start to cry because of your objection. However, find a way to apply some balance in your insistence to appear more relaxed for your little pumpkin.

4. Encourage them to be independent

One way to stop your toddler from being too clingy is to encourage them to be independent. You can start by letting them know how “big” they are now. Make it appealing to them to a big boy or girl. Read the stories that portray little children growing up to be independent. Reward them occasionally for being able to play independently or with their friends without running to you every second. When they get used to the idea, shower them with lots of praise to encourage them further.


When dealing with the problem of a clingy 3 year old, make it a habit to talk to your toddler often about their feelings. Get them to open up about their fears and what makes them want to be clingy. Address their concerns by telling them the truth about how things are. Neutralize every one of their fears, so they are encouraged to be free wherever they find themselves.

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